Hello there!
This past week, it seems like the flu just flew through Hershey. Lots of the scheduled appointments fell through because people were turning in sick. Our companionship got hit pretty bad as well.
One of my companions got the flu really bad. That combined with a preexisting condition left him puking all week, unable to keep any food or fluids down. That meant we spent most of the week in our apartment where he could relax. We were able to reschedule most of our appointments or do them via zoom, thankfully. And, the Lord still blessed us with 4 new people to teach! Truly the Lord has a plan for all things.
For instance, we had a zoom lesson with a member we hadn't ever met before, and were surprised to find she had brought a friend as well! He had been reading the Book of Mormon for months now and was super interested in learning more about the church. It was so cool to hear his already growing testimony of the Book of Mormon and how daily study of it has affected his relationship with God.
That's one thing I really love about the Book of Mormon. The relationship we see between God and his people and the prophets is so personal. As we study the lives of those in the Book of Mormon, we learn how to keep God in the loop for all that we do. He isn't a stranger, but somebody who knows us and who we can come to know.
We're still studying hard in the Japanese District, this time on the Plan of Salvation, which is the most vocabulary heavy lesson, so it'll push us a bit, hopefully.
Going back to my companion, his sickness got so bad, that we had to take him to the hospital on Saturday so they could rehydrate him. Sadly, he'll have to return home to Canada tomorrow where he has healthcare. We're all super sad to see him go, but the Lord's got bigger plans than we do.
Side note, today we got one of those 5lb chocolate bars at Hershey World for him to take home and show off, lol.
Hope you all have a fantastic rest of your week!
Elder Brown the older