Hello there!
We had some really cool lessons and experiences this past week leading up to zone conference soon so I'll share a couple highlights.
So last week, we called somebody who responded to a church ad in our area named M.. The person who picked up the phone, though, explained that he was a translator for us and that M. was deaf! Even so, we did manage to set up a time we could reach out and set something up. When we came over for a meeting on Sunday, she answered the door, but there was no translator to help out. Thankfully, we had recently found out that Elder Edwards in our zone was assigned to learn and serve in ASL. While I awkwardly typed messages in my phone to communicate with her, my companion got him on video call and he was able to translate for us.
Turns out this lady was baptized in the church a long time ago and fell away about 20 years ago. She was interested, though, in drawing closer to Jesus Christ and meeting with us, so we are super excited to be meeting with her! It's so cool how the Lord puts people in just the right places where they are needed, like Elder Edwards. There also happens to be a family in our ward that practices some ASL and the father is willing to team up!
B. and D. are both progressing fantastically! We had lessons with both of them last week and have more scheduled this upcoming week. They have great questions and sincere desire to do what is right in God's eyes. It's inspiring to see how they truly "hunger and thirst after righteousness" (
3 Nephi 12:6) and it has been so cool to be a part of their journey.
They were both at church yesterday and enjoyed the
Come Follow Me discussions about Adam and Eve.
In our Sunday school, we focused primarily on the Fall and how the Atonement completed by Jesus Christ reverses its effects. Both events were foreknown and expected by our Heavenly Father and both were necessary for our eternal progression.
Nevertheless, we know that the choice was given to Adam and Eve whether they would transgress, fall from the immediate presence of God, and suffer death in the flesh. Quoting Talmage's "Jesus the Christ",
"He was given commandment and law, and was free to obey or disobey-with the just and inevitable condition that he should enjoy or suffer the natural results of his choice." (Chapter 3, The Need of a Redeemer)
Likewise, it was Jesus Christ's voluntary choice to submit his whole will to the Father in a supreme expression of love for him and for us.
Now it is our choice whether we will accept Christ and his teachings, letting our will be swallowed up in his, and return to the presence of God to never leave again.
"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
2 Nephi 2:27
May we choose the better part, like Lehi, and enjoy all that the Father has in store for those who keep his commandments.
Hope you have a great rest of your week!
Elder Brown the Elder
Photo & text sent to my mom on Saturday: "Your sons have been an amazing influence on our brother's baptism. We couldn't be more happy"