I'm working on my tan. Slowly. With my pasty white Oregon skin I have to really ease into this. Spent some time outside by the pool yesterday and get this, I have tan lines! My plan includes a couple more sessions today.
When I come to my parent's house I don't typically spend hours outside trying to achieve brownness. I'd really like to avoid the whole skin cancer & wrinkles thing. But my tanning crusade for this week has a purpose. Tomorrow we are going rafting, and knowing that we will be out on a raft under the hot sun for 4 hours I do not want to burn to a crisp.
Which brings me to another point. I need some support. I've never been rafting before and I'm a little bit scared. I keep waiting for the guys here to say something like, "oh it's not that bad. The rapids are pretty calm. All you really do is float down the river." No reassurance whatsoever. Which leads me to believe that it's going to be pretty crazy. And when I say, "I just don't want to fall off the boat," I don't get much of a response -- just silent looks and little smiles. Ahhh!! So I'm trying to be brave and suck it up. I just have to keep thinking, other people have done this and lived, I can too. (I had to go through similar mental exercises the first time I went on a roller coaster -- but I should also point out that I have never stepped onto a roller coaster since.)
So if you have survival stories of river rafting, please share them with me.
I'm headed out to work on my tan.