Last week the kindergarten classes at Conner's school held their annual Christmas program titled "the Gingerbread Revue." All the songs revolved around gingerbread -- the Gingerbread Hokey Pokey, Who Stole the Gingerbread from the Cookie Jar?, and others. It was so dang cute! I brought my video camera but was so disappointed when I turned it off and missed "The Gingerbread Boys" poem. All the boys recited together
We are the Gingerbread boys, And we love to play with our toys.
rat-a-tat-tat, honkety-honk,bumpety-bump, pow-crash-bang,clickety-clack,grrrrr!!
We are the Gingerbread boys, And we love to make lots of NOISE!!!!! (yelling at this point)
All the girls had their hands over their ears -- it was great, totally boyish . . . we love our boys!
As his class was preparing for this program obviously there was a lot of talk about gingerbread and even at home gingerbread was on Conner's mind frequently. He kept asking me if I had the dough ready to make gingerbread men, he prepared ziploc baggies with the parts needed to make the gingerbread men faces (2 marshmallows and a goldfish cracker -- ???, I'm sure he was just trying to improvise).
On Monday (being the great mom I am) I found a recipe online and we made Gingerbread men cookies for FHE. The boys loved decorating them with M&M's and raisins and chocolate chips. And they are still enjoying eating them -- for snack, for lunch, etc.