Three weeks ago, two small boys embarked on the ultimate journey. A journey that would require courage, diligence, patience, teamwork, and a steady hand. The challenges presented by such a task would make most grown men cower in defeat . . . .women, mothers, have been brought to tears just by the shear enormity of the task. Would this be too great of an undertaking for a 7 and 5 year old boy? Only time would tell. . . . .
After 11 hours and 53 minutes the last piece was placed at 3:40pm on Saturday, February 9th. These two boys have reigned victorious and will forever be remembered for their mastery in constructing Lego set 6211: The Star Destroyer!
(notice the Doritos dust on Conner's face? I told you.)
many happy hours of play to come.
and what was Anna doing during all this building? Looking cute. In her hooded sweatshirt dress with "two pockets."