um, ya . . . that look on my face. It could be categorized as
10% - not yet ready for the photo
62% - some fear & anxiety. It's been 10 years since I was last on a motorcycle. And after Sam got a steel rod put in his leg following a motorcycle accident, I've been a bit leery of them.
15% - my jeans are too tight. Seriously, I could barely stretch my leg over the bike to get on. We eat well at my parents house and this was day 7.
13% - the helmet is squishing my face together.
How did the ride go? It was fun! Once I came to grips with fact that we're speeding down a windy road with nothing to keep me from falling off this bike and breaking every bone in my body and then picturing the horrible road rash I'd get all over my exposed arms . . . . . I was okay. {chuckle} I figure it's just a fact/risk you've got to accept, and then enjoy the wind ripping across your body! Maybe that's the reason why my mom has not ridden with my dad yet -- she isn't ready to accept that.
I was also partially relieved to hear from my dad that he only drove us at half the speed Sam did with Heidi. Ya, so get this - Sam took the bike out for a ride with his sweet wife and drove that thing up to 100 mph! Ya, this is the boy with a steel rod in his leg. And this was his first time back on a bike since the accident 10 years ago. Hello?! Do you want to orphan your children? {sigh} whatever.