The past 2 weeks it seems that we have been in a big purging/organization mode. First it was the scrapbook room. I spent a week sorting through everything, throwing away, giving away, re-purposing, and re-organizing. Then Scott attacked the garage. With some new shelving and a trip to the dump it looks pretty dang good in there. Scott says that he is in his "happy place" now.
In the garage we had several large tubs (about 3-4 each) full of our childhood memorabilia & stuff. We decided it would be a great party to sort through those together and say good-bye to a few things. I mean, really, do I need four 18-gallon rubber-maid totes full of birthday cards, school papers, and dolls? No.
It has been years since either one of us sifted through these tubs. It provided a lot of entertainment & laughs, a lot of memories shared, and a lot of "why the heck am I saving this???"
Here's a few choice examples:
Pink foam curlers, circa 1986-1988. Really? Yes, my mom would put these in my hair at bed-time so that I could have an amazing curly hair-do the next day. Yes, I was really cute. But do I really need to hold onto these?
Remember the photo in the last post? Yep, I've still got my swimsuit and my swimming caps (which I hated). See how one of them has melted to my time sheets? I guess the attic in our old house got pretty warm. But, really? I have photos, I saved 4-5 ribbons, a certificate or two, and my trophy . . . . I think my memories of the swim team will be sufficiently preserved without this chlorine-reeking swimsuit!
Oh my goodness, this one makes me crack up! In 4th grade we had an Invention Convention and I came up with this full-body protective eating gear for my baby brother Mason (made from a vinyl/plastic mat that you would put on the floor under a high-chair). There was a hat as well, but it's missing. Do I really need to keep it? I think I'll be okay if I let this one go.
Now a peek at Scott's "really?" stash. His fencing glove with the inscription "prepare for your death"; a Montreal Expo's hat he got a baseball game while at the National Scout Jamboree in 1990??; purple face paint (I think Scott's mom will be happy to see this one go); and a barf bowl that he clung to after his sinus surgery. He had a heated confrontation with a nurse when she tried to take it away.
Really, Scott?
My senior economics term paper on Zaire. Really? A address & photo directory of my pre-school class, 1983-84. That egg thing is actually made out of sugar, I think, and I believe that it was a cake topper at my baby shower, in 1979!
And my piano lesson notebook. I had a hard-time with this one. It's open to my very favorite page. Look closely at the right hand page and the wonderful illustration of a steak. "You HAVE to memorize it or you're dead meat!" I loved my piano teacher. :)
And finally, this one takes the cake.
My glasses. I wore glasses everyday from 1st grade to 9th grade. Seeing those thick, magnifying lenses (the left was 2x thicker than the right) brought back memories of the optometrist's office. . . . and then seeing them on Payton's face made realize how incredibly '80's these frames were. Really? They need to go. Well, maybe I'll keep just one - my first pair.
I hope I haven't impaired Payton's vision.
From 4 tubs down to 2, I think I did a pretty good job. And don't worry mom, I didn't get rid of any of the really important stuff. My princess dress, Strawberry Shortcake crayon pail, and Little Miss Gustine crown have been saved and preserved for my posterity. I hope they enjoy it. :)