When something like this arrives at your table, what do you do?
For me, something like this requires closer inspection before I dare stick it in my mouth.
hmm, interesting. I almost feel embarrassed for the fella - sitting out there all exposed. Scott said I needed to try the calamari appetizer, and so I did.
with tentacles hanging out. I just couldn't resist.
Scott: ahh, my uncultured wife. (totally kidding. at least I hope he was kidding).
But you see, I don't get out much. To the fancy places at least. McDonald's and Burgerville are the usual stops. Chipotle or Red Robin is a real treat. Compare that to Scott who spends his lunches at places like McCormick & Schmick's, McMennamin's, Macadam Grill, Rockbottom, Fulton Pub, etc.
So when the rare date in the city comes around, he takes the opportunity to introduce me to his favorite places, and tells me his usual picks from the menu. We went to the Harborside for dinner, with a nice view of the river. Then as we walked from place to place (parking garage, dinner, the theater) and Scott points out familiar (to him) locations, paths that he used to walk when he got off the MAX years ago, etc. etc. etc. . . . . . I just had to point out, "it's like you have a whole other life I don't know about." I guess it was just weird hearing & seeing the little details of his day to day, that may not come out in the "how was your day?" conversation.
But I digress . . . .
We had a great dinner. I ate squid. And salmon with mushrooms & blackberries.
Then we saw the Phantom. My 4th time. See, I'm not completely uncultured.