29 years ago at 5:15pm, in Modesto, California . . . . . . I was born!
My parents raced along the country roads to the hospital which was 45 minutes away. At one point my dad took a little hill a bit too fast and all 4 tires of the truck caught air, and my mom ended up on the floor of the truck when it landed. But all was well. They made it to the hospital in time, I came into the world, and the rest is history.
So far, it has been a fabulous day. Pedicures. Lunch with friends. Kids just came downstairs with an armful of gifts. And Bunco tonight. Yes, I'm hosting Bunco on my birthday. I figured it was a great excuse throw a party.
a request
As for my birthday post . . . . I feel like I have already shared so much of myself on this blog. 100 things, a dozen or so tags, and just random posts about my life & thoughts. So, I'm going to turn this birthday post over to YOU. We're going to try a little Q&A session. Katie did this over on her blog last month, and I thought it was great. I loved the variety of questions & topics that people covered. So . . . . .
Here's what you do: in the comments section, post a question.
Here's what I'll do: on Sunday I will answer your questions.
Pretty easy, right? Now ask away!