definition: feelings of great happiness or pleasure, especially of an elevated or spiritual kind.
My one little word for 2009. JOY.
Partly inspired by President Monson's conference talkand his reminder to "find joy in the journey." Partly inspired by my kids walking around the house the entire month of December belting out, "Joy to the world!" and wishing I could be that exuberant and joyful. Wanting to feel joy, wanting to share joy. Knowing that it is most often a choice and something that I must seek after.
I love love love this quote:
Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.
-Marianne Williamson
I am blessed with so much . . . with my family, the gospel in my life, a comfortable home, good health, our needs are filled, debts are paid, . . . things really are good. I guess I need to be better at recognizing that so joy can happen.
Tonight I had the opportunity to speak at Enrichment. I chose President Monson's talk for a topic and tied in this little word as well. I want to share the link to a slide show I quoted from. Another reminder to find joy in the journey. The days are long, but the years are short.
Also, I'm salivating over this piece of jewelry . . . . custom made with your own "one little word" stamped right on it. A great way to keep your word close to your heart all year long.
{from ali edwards' blog: enter the code "myword" at checkout to receive 20% off. I'm not sure when this offer expires.}