So recently I went through a phase of procrastination and lack of productivity. I just couldn't motivate myself to do anything (other than the absolute essentials), there was a certain facebook game that consumed me, and it just always sounded more appealing to chill than to work. I hope I'm not the only one who faces this.
Now that we have our trip coming up, a house that needs to be cleaned, stuff & clutter that needs to be cleared out, and responsibilities I need to attend to the gears have shifted. And I have to say I like myself a bit more when I'm productive. :)
Because I'm so proud of myself, {big cheesy smile} I thought I'd record what I did yesterday to a) show myself you can get a lot of work done in one day if you just focus and b) to someday show my husband and kids there's so much more behind my simple answer to "what did you do today?"
5:30 - 8:30 am
- shower and get ready
- family scriptures and prayer
- breakfast and get the kids ready
- start laundry
- check e-mail
- out the door at 8:09am
8:30 am - noon
- rotate laundry
- make banana cake
- unload dishwasher
- vacuum upstairs
- Ace hardware - for paint tray liners
- take Anna to open gym at Wee Bop
- get cash; mail bath bomb to Maria
- a pit stop at home to rotate laundry
- pick up the kindergarten kids
noon - 3:00pm
- make lunch for the Payton & Anna - macaroni & cheese
- paint baseboards in the garage (these will go in the kids' bathroom, finally) while the kids ride scooters
- clean up the flower beds - my crocus are poking up!
- vacuum the downstairs
- fold the 3 loads of laundry sitting on my bed
- clean downstairs bath
- pick up Conner from school
3:00 - 7:00 pm
- make banana cake frosting
- take Conner to Cub Scouts - they're touring a historical home today
- run to Dollar Tree and Walmart to get supplies to make centerpieces for the Blue & Gold Banquet next week
- Pick up Conner
- Stop by the park on the river and let the kids throw rocks in the water (it was a gorgeous day)
- home for an exciting dinner of leftovers and banana cake
- fold one more load of laundry
- read about Elisha in Old Testament Stories and put the kids in bed
after 7:00pm
- work on prototypes for Girls Camp crafts
- watch Lost
- fall asleep while watching DVR'd episode of ER from last week
And that was my day.
Now, I don't want to build any misconceptions here . . . I do not operate at this pace everyday. Heaven knows I could not keep up with a list like this everyday. But if I could squeeze in 2 or 3 super productive days each week, then we're talking. I'm all about balance.
Today's to-do list? Blog, try to make a dent in the ironing pile, paint 2nd coat on baseboards, make some phone calls, some online shopping, and plan our trip!