This is part one in, hopefully, a 3-part bathroom rejuvenation project. Why? Well,
- we had the interior of the house painted before moving in. It all happened really quick so I didn't have the time (or mental energy) to come up with the exact colors I wanted for every room. So almost everything got the same color (Harvest Brown from Behr, I think). It's a color I like in most of the house, but in the bathrooms . . . . I feel like I'm in a cave.
- Also due to the speedy (3-day) house painting job, some rooms did not get the prep treatment they really needed. Like, primer. And from day one of living in the house I began to notice what looked like water-drip lines slowly seeping through the paint. It's really bad in the bathrooms, so I've resolved to systematically priming & painting the bathrooms one by one.
For my first project I tackled the kids' bathroom. They really needed something more colorful and fun. I did most of this room last August, and just recently completed some of the details.
and after:
what I did:
new paint (and primer) -- Poolside (Pottery Barn color)
remove the towel bar and hang hooks
new shower head
new shower rod
new baseboards
sew a shower curtain
hang up kids' artwork
add a vinyl quote to the wall and mirror
More before pictures. See, it's a cave I tell 'ya.
And more delightful after pictures.
I found these 11x14 white frames at a craft store for $5. The artwork didn't quite fill the frame so I cut some posterboard to 11x14 and painted it orange with a foam brush. Just mount the artwork on top and it made a quick, easy, and colorful mat.
I love, love, love how this vinyl quote worked out. President Hinckley's ever popular 6B's and I emphasized "be clean" here, and again on the mirror just above the sink. It goes perfectly in a bathroom, and hopefully it will give them something to think about when they are getting ready. That is, if I could get them to brush their teeth for longer than 20 seconds. This quote is about 5-6 feet wide -- it was a little interesting to center and level on the wall.
And my other favorite part of the bathroom . . . the shower curtain!
This fabric was the color inspiration for the whole bathroom. And I can't tell you how excited I was to find that ball fringe. Love it! I purchased all the fabric at my mother-in-law's favorite quilting store in Idaho. To hang the shower curtain I sewed button holes with my machine, and the shower rings slide right on through.
Currently, bathroom number 2 has paint swatches on it's walls. I'm quite undecided about the color. This bathroom is even more of a cave (smaller, less light) so I think I need to keep it bright and airy. My goal is to have a second bathroom reveal for you by the end of the summer. I'm a realist so I know where to set my personal expectations. :)