Monday night we sat down and made our Summer Fun list for 2010.
My wish is to live more intentionally, try some things that are a little out of the norm and new, have something to look forward to, and to create memories.
In the list I've included things that are already on our calendar (trips, day camp, etc.)
. . . there are the usual summertime things that we always do (swimming pool, park, ice cream, etc.) and the little things that the kids find so much enjoyment out of (blowing bubbles, etc.), but sometimes I need a visual reminder to make them happen.
. . . and there are projects & outings that I have wanted to do for a while, but never seem to find the time (hike, sunprints, etc.).
Now, will we do everything on the list? Probably not. It is just a springboard for ideas.
I love doing this list! We post it on the fridge and throughout the summer we keep track of the things we have done. It is great motivation to get out there and do something (big or little), but mostly just to make the most of the time I have with the kids during summer vacation. The school year will return all too soon.
I made most of the list and then consulted with the kids to get their approval. All agreed. And then they had a few ideas to contribute as well. My favorite was Payton's: "hold a snake." So, if anyone out there has a non-poisonous snake or knows where we can get our hands on one, I'd be happy for that information.
Conner wants to open a kids restaurant for other kids to come and buy food that he cooks. I tried to steer him in the direction of cooking meals for our family for one day, creating menus, etc. I think that will be a good substitute.
So, as for displaying the list . . . .
The first year we tried this (2007) I copied Stacy Julian's idea and made a poster just like hers with mini post-its and put it on the fridge.
Another year we didn't put a formal list together and instead I posted a blank Summer Fun scrapbook page on the fridge and wrote things down as we did them.
This year, I'm feeling a little more on the ball and tried to do something cute.
closer up
I'm loving all these summer colors!
The plan: once we complete an activity it gets moved up to the Summer Fun section. I'll either write or stamp the date on the card as well. For activities that we do multiple times (pool, park, etc.) I'll write tally marks.
I think it turned out pretty darn cute. And pretty darn easy.
More ideas, sharing, and clarifications:
Another take on how to display your list: a quick & easy poster
I got the idea for the shaving cream from her blog. Go take a peek. That day is going to be a hoot. :) And you can get shaving cream at the dollar store.
In 2008 we kept our list pretty simple.
The BPS class Kidding Around is going to help me with the kids' summer scrapbooks. This idea has been on my list for the last couple summers, and I even bought albums for the kids. I think this class will be perfect and provide the ideas, prompts, and everything that I need to get going.
The Penderwicks is a delightful summertime read. Especially if you have girls. Although, my boys also enjoyed it very much. I highly recommend it.
I didn't put this on my list but I thought it was a great idea if your kids are checked out on a hot glue gun. Junk sculpture.
Keep your eye on Stacy Julian's blog because I'm sure she will reveal her summer plan soon. She always has great, creative, cute ideas.
I want to help someone else get their summer fun list going so I've put together a second set of titles and 36 (blank) summer fun cards with magnets on the back. All ready to go for display on your fridge. You just supply the ideas.
Leave me a comment and tell me what is on your Summer Fun list. I'd love to read more ideas!
I'll choose a random winner on Monday morning.