I just finished writing my Oh Life entry for the night and was surprised to notice a trend throughout the day . . . reading. 5-6 years ago, reading for pleasure was nowhere on my radar. Reading to the kids was something I did when they brought books to me, but I rarely suggested it as an activity. We tried story-time at the library once, but it ended in disaster so we stayed away for years.
Now, I enjoy reading for pleasure. (But struggle with finding/making the time).
Now, I read books to Anna on an (almost) daily basis.
Now, we visit the library every week.
Anyways, it's just so interesting to think that something I once thought was "so not me" is now a great source of enjoyment and something that I seek out.
6:30am / the whole family / piled on the red couch
We are in 2 Nephi Chapter 2 of the Book of Mormon. "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy."
1:15pm / Anna and I / on the picnic blanket she set up in the family room
These books are pretty cute and funny. But I have a hard time reading them out loud -- what with the spanish accents, this cat's crazy ever-changing imagination, and random made-up songs. We read it once, and luckily the library book also comes with a CD so we could listen to the author tell it the right way.
3:20pm / me / wrapped in a fleece blanket on the couch
I got in a good hour of reading while the kids did their afternoon chores and Conner completed his homework. An hour. In the middle of the afternoon. That never happens. I'm not sure how I feel about this book. It is entertaining. But the premise is a little . . . . unsettling? creepy? A Mormon housewife meets a Hollywood heart-throb and they become best friends. See what I mean. I'm about half-way through. Maybe there's a reason the brand new hardcover was on clearance for $4.99, but for now I'm enjoying the reading time and the story has me intrigued.
8:00pm / me + 3 kids / sprawled on the couch after the wipeout party
3 chapters tonight. (They are pretty short). The writing is beautiful in this book. I stop every once in a while to make sure the kids (Payton & Anna) are engaged and to define words and to summarize what just happened.
While on the subject of reading, can I put in a plug for Goodreads? It's a great website where you list, rate, and review the books you have read. You can also connect with friends and get their book recommendations. I have a lot of books in my "to-read" list based on others' reviews. Anyway, if you find yourself there look me up because I'm always interested in discovering a good book.