For Christmas this year I gave Scott a slew of golfing gear (shoes, balls, rangefinder). Oh, and a new stainless steel double-action potato masher.
I also gave him something for us to enjoy together.
This basket holds 12 envelopes. Each labeled with a month of the year. And each envelope contains a pre-planned, (mostly) pre-paid date just for us. Some of the dates will take place at home, some are planned for the local area, and some will take us into town. All 12 dates are different. Several, actually nearly all of the dates are things we have never done before.
The plan is to open the envelope together at the beginning of the month, look at the calendar and decide on a date. So right from the beginning of the month, we'll have a fun date on the calendar to look forward to.
the date envelope
contents $15 giftcard to OMSI, $25 giftcard at McMennamins, brochure/map of McMennamins restaurants in the area
cost $40
the plan
Eat dinner at one of the many McMennamins restaurants in the area and then do something fun at OMSI -- laser show, IMAX movie, or use it towards general admission.
the scrapbook page
Get ready to flip out because I . . . made a scrapbook page!
I brought along my Fuji Instax for picture taking. I love it. It is just so cute. I think I'll be taking it on all of our dates this year.
Our January date also doubled as our anniversary date. 12 years! We enjoyed a hamburger dinner at Fulton Pub (a place Scott visits from time to time for work lunches, but I've never been before). He even shared one of his tots with me. :) My "Communication Breakdown Burger" was awesome. And before dinner we went to OMSI to watch "Hubble" on the IMAX screen.
I think I'm liking this plan. 11 more to go.
next month
to see all of our monthly dates in 2011, go here
Linking up: Weekend Wrap-up party at Tater Tots & Jell-O