1. what they do
This girl loves to be outside. And ride her bike. Or her scooter. We were blessed with a WEEK of dry weather and sunny days. Cold, sunny days . . . but we'll take it anyway we can get it. She bundled up, placed "kitty" in her bike basket, and off she went. Up and down the culdesac with a permanent smile on her face.
2. how they look
The handsome in this one is starting to come out. Which is hard for me to say because I have always had a soft spot for his adorable cuteness. He's still cute. But now I can see, right here, right in front of me, that he is growing up. I took these pictures for his baptism announcements/invitations. It's just a week away!
3. then and now
These two blog posts will give you some background on the story I'm about to share: for the love of shorts and it's so hard to say good-bye.
The collage of photos features Conner in his new favorite shorts from Old Navy. 2007
The second photo shows the sad, sad face of Conner saying good-bye to his favorite shorts and shirt. 2011.
At least 5 times a week Conner wears this outfit around the house. I say "around the house" because he is forbidden from wearing it outside the house. He looooves these clothes. But after almost 4 years, they are getting a little small. And we're getting a little tired of seeing him wear it. Back in December we told him that they would have to go after basketball season . . . but we forgot. Thursday we remembered again and told him it was time to say good-bye. In a panicked shock he said, "But I was going to give these to my first son!" And just before Scott was going to throw them in the trash Conner came up with a better idea. To burn them at the Father-Son campout. It has been tradition for Scott to burn an old pair of pajamas at this camp-out and the boys love it. It was a great idea. And so the shirt and shorts have been stashed in the camping storage bins, awaiting their fate.
4. what they wear
The boys wear uniforms to school. Conner always prefers the navy on navy look. Payton is pretty easy-going: navy, khaki, white, whatever.
5. love to hate
(photo prompt description: something your loved one does that drives you nuts, but the day just wouldn't be the same without it)
Everyday Scott works out on the elliptical. And everyday he leaves his athletic shoes in the middle of the floor. Along with his giant exercise ball that usually lives on the ellipitcal's steps when not in use. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it to him . . . the fact that everyday after he's gone at work I pick up those shoes from the middle of the floor and place them in their home in the corner. Sometimes I'm mildly perturbed. But really, it takes only 5 seconds out of my day, so it isn't that big of a deal. But sometimes I wonder if it ever occurs to him to pick them up. Hmmm . . . . Maybe he purposely leaves them out so I'll have to pick them up later in the day and be reminded of him and how much I miss him. Maybe. :)