. . . . for Payton. (And a thumbs up for Kate . . . I'll get to that later.)
On Saturday morning Payton was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
It was a very good day.
Both sets of grandparents (from California and Idaho) and Randy & Kate flew up for the weekend to be here for Payton's big day. And everyone had a part in the program.
Grammer Teresa spoke on baptism and Grammer Valerie spoke on the Holy Ghost. I think my kids are quite lucky to have two wonderful grandmas.
Papa Dan and Papa Dennis were witnesses for the baptism and participated in Payton's confirmation.
Randy played the piano. And Kate led the music. Payton had some great song selections - Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel and The Iron Rod. During one of the songs Conner sat by me and randomly held up his hand to give Kate a thumbs up. No silly faces or laughs from him, just a matter of fact gesture like, "hey you're doing a good job." So random! But it gave me (and Kate) a big smile. Later, I asked him why he did that, "Oh, I just wanted to give her some encouragement."
Conner and Anna gave the opening and closing prayers.
And all three kids sang "My Baptism Day". Accompanied by me.
The detail that will probably stick out the most in his 8-year-old memory was the water. And it's temperature. It was hot.
Imagine hot tub hot, and a few degrees higher than that. Payton describes it as "boiling hot". He hesitantly made his way down the steps into the font, with a few steps back. Thankfully Scott is the perfect dad to help coach him through a hot situation like this. :)
He looked so sweet, and handsome, and happy, and perfectly Payton. Shoulder shrugs and all.
I'm so proud of him. The decisions he has made, the things he is learning, the boy he is becoming.
Yep, it was a good day.