the permanent line/indentation I'm developing across the bridge of my nose due to the wearing of my glasses. Ya, it's still there when I wake up in the morning.
my delicious chipotle burrito sitting in the fridge at (Scott's) work. :(
driving the new van today. The new car smell is awesome. As are the comfy seats, the quietness, radio controls on the steering wheel, the "spanker mirror", keyless ignition, and primo windshield wiper blade coverage (we people in the NW notice those kinds of things).
french braids on little girls. Just like Dorothy.
high-fives for Payton passing another level in Rocket Math.
pinterest and finding that I, rather, this blog has been pinned 11 times. All for my year of dates idea. Someone made the comment that this would be fun for a special family night too. What a great idea!
the oatmeal at McDonald's. Perfectly tasty and filling and only 290 calories.
cute glasses that help me see better.
a croissant turkey BLTA for dinner. Just like Red Robin and it fills the void. Burrito who? what?