the kids just had a 4-day weekend and I was determined to do something with our time, rather than sitting around doing nothing which has become habit on days off during our rainy winter.
- played a game of Mario Party 8 altogether on the Wii
- mini blizzards at DQ. The Caramel Toffee Cookie is yum!
- ride bikes & pull weeds in the front yard
- showed the kids how to make origami bunnies
- attended a baptism
- I ran a 5K for the first time ever and didn't die.
- helped Conner finish his fitness activity badge for Webelos. He gets an hour on the ipad for each activity badge he completes so he's been motivated to wrap this one up for a while.
- helped the kids make yarn bowls. Conner really got into this sticky project. Here are a few pictures for now -
They turned out pretty great!
Sunday and Monday weren't nearly as exciting. Just church on Sunday. And Monday morning was filled with parent-teacher conferences for both of the boys (always so good to hear how awesome they are doing in school) and a double tooth extraction for Payton. The treatment plan listed 4 teeth to be pulled, but after enduring two novocaine shots in the roof of his mouth (those hurt), and an hour in the dentist's chair, the dentist thought it would be best to save the last 2 for another time. We're thinking in a few weeks.
Here's a photo of Payton this morning. Before all the dental trauma
But he took i relatively well. From the waiting room I did overhear some screaming, but by the time they brought him out to me he was fine, engrossed in a DS game. When we came home I gave him free reign on the Wii for the rest of the day, which made him (and his siblings) very happy.
I love this print. I either need to convince this etsy seller to put it back in their store or I need to make something on my own.