I've been thinking a lot about motherhood lately. What my role entails, the pieces in this family that are uniquely mine, the things that I need to do because no one else is going to do them for me . . . .
i am present . . . classroom parties, special events at school, talks in church, school pick-up, soccer games, . . . as much as I am able, I will be there. I love the look on their faces when they see me -- eyes light up, a smile. Being present at the little things gives them assurance that I will be there for the big things.
i am a homemaker . . . our home is supposed to be a sanctuary from the world. It's my job to create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable, safe, loved.
i am available . . . I feel incredibly blessed that I can be a stay at home mom. But I also feel it is my responsibility to keep myself and my kids from becoming over-scheduled. "In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e." Dieter F. Uchtdorf
i am a listener . . . my favorite is when I hear, "mom, can I ask you a question in your room?" My job is to keep the lines of communication open. To listen when they need me and to let them know (by my words and especially by my attentiveness) that they can talk to me about anything.
i am a motivator . . . the pusher, and yes, the nagger. Sometimes (a lot of times) my job includes making them do things they don't want to do. Because I can see the bigger picture. Additionally, I have to be motivated myself. Apathy, complacency, and laziness just aren't going to work. If I don't do it, then who will?
i am a teacher . . .
i am an enforcer . . .
i am a giver of love . . .
i am a hugger and kisser . . .
i am a mother . . .
{quote art from Becky Higgins, who also loves being a mom}
I started typing this post a week ago. Since then I came across a campaign at a news station in Utah, called Motherhood Maters. It's purpose is to encourage, inspire, and remind us why motherhood matters. They have some great thoughts, quotes, downloads, and a 10-day challenge. Go check it out.
(I actually started writing this post on April 28th and had intentions of posting it on mother's day, but then I got busy, and then we went to California, then busy again, and then I didn't feel like that great of a mother for a few days, and then I made changes to fix that. So I post this with the purpose of sharing what I believe my role as a mother should include, not what I am perfect at everyday.)