Our road trip began in Idaho. Scott's hometown. It's always nice to go to my in-laws home and spend some time relaxing and allowing Scott to get his fill of golf. Well, maybe not his fill. But four rounds of 18-holes without totally neglecting your family on vacation isn't too shabby.
Here are a few around-the-house highlights, and just some pictures that I thought were too cute not to share.
Washing the cars. The kids know the routine.

Anna was very helpful and often asked to set the dinner table. Probably just so she could ensure her spot next to Grammer.

In the morning we would ride bikes or go to a park. But once the heat of the afternoon set in you're likely to find a scene like this.

Some kind of quiet activity indoors because my kids would otherwise melt in the heat.
There's Conner on the ipad. Somehow he conned convinced Grammer Valerie to download Dungeon Defenders on her ipad. A combination of incessant asking and a cute/awkward face.

Anna with Grammer's vintage lacing cards.

And Payton on the iTouch. Probably playing the penguin game.

We took our park trips while Scott & Dennis were playing golf. We'd all hop in Valerie's car while she drove from park to park, asking the kids to take a good look through the windows, and let her know which one they wanted to stop at. It was usually Candy Cane Park. (This name came about in Scott's childhood because the playground equipment was painted with red and white stripes -- like a candy cane.)
It isn't red and white anymore. But the name still holds.

I didn't want to move out of my chair in the shade so when Anna asked for a push on the swings I told Conner he should push her 20 times. Valerie added the reward of 10 minutes on the ipad. He got a big grin on his face and straightaway got to the business of pushing his sister. After a while I noticed that he had long passed the required 20 pushes, and he was still happily (at least without complaint) pushing Anna. I wonder if he's expecting to get 10 minutes for every 20 pushes? Sure enough. I asked him and he was on 73, licking his chops as [he thought] the ipad minutes racked up.

A kill-deer made a little nest in the empty lot behind the Browns' home. Everyday Valerie would escort one of the kids slowly towards the nest to check on the eggs' progress, and to watch Maisy's show. Maisy is the mother bird's name.

As you approached the nest Maisy would hop up, run off to the side, squawk, spread her wings out, and start limping and stumbling. It was all an act to make herself appear injured -- a distraction so any predators would stay away from her babies. It was quite a sight to see!
As the week went on, and our visits continued, she abandoned that tactic and started charging us head on.
Don't the eggs look like little rocks? Great camouflage job Maisy.

The birds hatched 3 days after we left.
Other happenings in Idaho . . .
We ate at Maxie's pizza twice. Scott had a major hankering for his favorite pizza.
We watched a cool lightning storm from the back porch.
We intended to go to the temple and brought our bags with us. But wouldn't you know it? The temple was closed that week for cleaning. Darn.
Two trips to Kiwi Loco were in order. Self-serve yogurt is my absolute favorite.
Scott's social streak randomly and bizarrely appeared when one night he got the sudden urge to create a facebook group page for the singing/dancing (Glee-esque) group he was a part of in highschool. It was all kinds of fun to watch him welcome new members and reminisce.
Valerie has two really old raggedy ann and andy dolls from her childhood. They usually sit on a shelf in the upstairs guest bedroom. The last time we visited Payton stayed in that bedroom one night. In the morning he said, "those dolls are freaking me out" with a freaked out look in his eyes. So for this visit she removed the dolls from the room. But he still wouldn't sleep there. We joked how funny it would be to place one of the dolls on the bedside table where he was sleeping in the basement. Can you imagine his reaction when he woke up?
more idaho posts to come: golfing, shooting, quiet, and the falls