Hello! Should we give this another go?
Thank you so much to everyone who linked up last month! I loved reading each and every one of your date posts. So many great ideas. But what I love is that all the dates -- from those that are planned down to every detail, to the ones that are spontaneous and spur of the moment -- all the dates are creating opportunities for new memories and stronger connections and just love.
Oh, I'm feeling a Princess Bride quote coming on . . . "Wuv, true wuv. That bwessed awangement. That dweam within a dweam."
I love what Claudia from Lashes & Beard had to say about date night: "[It] is something to be intentional about, cherished, and thoroughly enjoyed." As a couple they decided to split up the responsibility and each of them is in charge of planning one date a month. She says, "I see it as a great privilege and honor to do something special like that for my husband." How sweet is that?! I think they are definitely on the right track for a lasting, meaningful relationship.
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Our date night:
February brought love, and chocolate, and moving boxes. The first weekend of the month we began to put plans in motion to make our move happen once and for all. Before things got too crazy, we snuck out one evening for some time just for us.
We went to dinner at a local restaurant. I curled my hair. We ordered the stuffed mushrooms appetizer. I ate more food than Scott. Oh, ya.
After dinner our plan was to go home and watch Breaking Dawn, which I had purchased on blu-ray earlier that day. And not just any blu-Ray. The "Wedding Edition" blu ray that comes with a 30x40 wedding photo fabric poster! It also makes a great scarf. Kidding.
But we needed a treat to go with our movie. So we swung by Safeway and picked up one of these babies
because we were craving some thick and chocolate-y pizookies.
Plop some dough into a ramekin and bake for 20 minutes (until top is golden-y, but the middle is slightly under-cooked).
While they were baking on this chilly evening, I found Scott in his favorite spot. Sitting on the heater vent with a blanket tent. What a cute boy.
I couldn't resist and just had to join him. Wrapped up under the blanket tent.
Eventually our desert was ready
but not complete until I added a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
I know what you're thinking . . . "I need a pizookie now." Your welcome.
It was a good low-key date night all in all -- dinner, desert, movie at home, cuddling over the heater vent.
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Now it's your turn to share!
Here's how it goes:
1. Go on a date with your husband. Easy, right? And post a wrap-up on your blog. This is for anyone . . . whether you put together a Year of Dates gift or not.
2. On the first of the month, come here and submit a link to your blog post. Not your blog
3. Link back here with a text link. You're also welcome to use the image below.
4. Lastly, have fun and visit each other!