I was going through old blog posts when I realized that I never blogged about the actual move - the 3 day process of how we got here. And because I want those photos and memories in my future Blurb/blog book I'm recording it now and post-dating it to March. Here is our story told through instagram and facebook status updates and my iphone camera.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
This was the kids' last day of school and the day of the moving truck. We woke up to a half inch of snow on the ground.
Facebook status (6:36am): 2 hour late start means that Anna misses her last day of school. Not happy with you weather!
Instagram (9:23am): I think we're ready

Instagram (10:06am): This is happening.

I watch the boys run up the hill to school for the last time.

Instagram (11:05am): Anna is finding her happy place. MP3 player and Total Eclipse of the Heart.

The guest bedroom held everything that we didn't want the movers to touch. It was the "safe room", and the only place to get away from the commotion.
Instagram (11:19am): From a very sweet friend. I am so blessed.

I took a break from the house to pay our last bills and run some errands. While in Olde Towne I stopped to take in the views by the river (it was beautiful) and take photos (see here) of the historic and charming buildings and landmarks that I have grown to love.

Instagram (1:40pm): A love sac made for 3.

The love sac was the only remaining piece of furniture to sit on. Here we are chilling, letting Anna play some games on the ipad, in the upstairs bonus room while movers worked all around us. We were also bundled up in jackets and sweaters because every door to the house had been open all day and it was cooooold.
2:30pm -- I went up to the school for Conner's farewell party (Payton's was the previous friday). After some very nice words from his teacher, Conner said, "This is a great class to come to. Especially for a nerd that loves math."
I took the kids to McDonald's for ice cream because the movers were still in the house.

Instagram (5:16pm): It all fits. Just like Tetris.

That night we ate dinner at Burgerville -- gotta get in one more fix! While there I took this video.
The next day I was going to be without a car (the truck was already in Vegas, and Scott would be heading out on a roadtrip with our van the next day). After their offering, we went to Mark & Jenn's to pick up their van so I could have a vehicle to get around.
Then we came home to an empty house and slept on the floor.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Facebook status (5:15am) - Boys' road trip! And off they go. Pretty sure there isn't any room in there for Anna and I. (and do you love Payton's glasses? Just prepping for all the sunshine they'll be driving into.)

Scott and boys packed the van to the brim with clothes, beddings, computers, etc. and headed out on the road. They went half-way to Twin Falls, Idaho and stayed at Scott's parents that night.
Facebook status (7:14am): LOCALS: one last plea to take our stuff -- computer chair, shop vac, power washer, lawn chemicals (round up, weed killer, bug killer), empty gas can, battery charger/air compressor, food, and cleaning supplies. Please, please, please come take it off my hands! Thanks!
I took Anna to school -- I did not want her to miss out on saying good-bye to her classmates.
I spent the entire day cleaning the house from top to bottom. And welcoming people who stopped by to take our stuff.
Left: cleaning clothes. Right: going into public clothes

Mid-morning I took a break to go up to Anna's school for her going away party. And shed a few tears. Details here - scroll down. We dropped off Jaren (Anna's friend and classmate) at home and Paige and I said our good-byes (she was home with a sick child).
We ate lunch at McDonald's (a wednesday tradition) with Jenn and Nicole and their littles (Josie & Andrew).
Anna stayed with Jenn while I went back to the house to continue cleaning. Gina (who couldn't make it to lunch because of a sick child) came by later to say good-bye and stayed to help me with the cleaning. Thank you!
Bags and bags of garbage later, I finished at the house and drove up to Jenn's to stay the night.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Leaving day.
Woke up and enjoyed a quiet, easy, slow morning eating breakfast, getting ready, and talking to Jenn.
Loaded up the luggage, the girls (Anna & Josie) with Mr. Popper's Penguins in the DVD player, and drove to the house for one last check on things.

Good-bye crocus.

Instagram (11:49am): Good-bye house.

Then we drove out of St. Helens.
In Scappoose we met up with Nicole (and Andrew) in the Fred Meyer parking lot. They joined us for the drive to the airport.
We parked and our whole crew (3 mothers, 3 children) made our way in. After checking my luggage and getting my boarding pass we ate lunch at Wendy's. The kids were adorable together. We reminisced, teared up, laughed, hugged, took pictures, and said "see you later."
Navigating through the airport with little miss sprained-ankle. I love PDX.

Instagram: 10,000 feet above Portland.

Facebook status (4:34pm): Waiting for our next flight at San Jose International Airport. Anna was wonderful on the flight and is loving her new lamb I bought her at PDX. (I was nervous because she has been a crab the last few days). Me, a bit emotionally drained and ready for a nap. Sending love to all my St. Helens friends.

Facebook status (5:10pm): Jamba juice (berry blast) and waffles for dinner. Mmmm.

Scott and the boys arrived in Vegas earlier that afternoon and spent a lot of time unloading the van, hanging & organizing clothes, and getting the apartment ready for our arrival.
Facebook status (8:15pm): We made it! When we walked off the plane Anna said, "ahh! I wish I had my money. I want to play those games!"

We walked into or 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment on the 2nd floor and crashed. Wiped out! But very happy to be together.