I love the embrace the camera concept. Get in front of the camera more. You need to be a part of the family photo album too. Your kids want to see you.
But this is what happens when I ask Conner to take a photo of me during our outing to the cactus garden,
And then I get bunny ears,
Swatting Payton away is no use because he jumps back into the shot for more bunny ears,
And then someone is running around, nearly knocking over the old people . . . someone else is hopping in and out of the cactus bed . . . my photographer laughs as he takes rapid-fire photos when all I wanted was a nice quick photo . . . .
I have no other choice but to unleash the mom glare
*snap* Get your butts back over here and stop acting like monkeys!
This is me most a lot of the time.
That is why I need a nice, smiling photo once in a while so the kids can remember that mom. We all know that childhood memories fade & blur, but photos last forever. :)
Does anyone else play the parts of Jekyll & Hyde?