Four whole months. When we moved here I started collecting a list of notes and observations on my phone -- things that were different, new, odd, etc. I saw this a while back on someone's blog and I thought it was a fun idea. Each state, city, etc. has it's own feel and personality and quirks. I thought it might be fun to document some of the changes we see coming from Oregon.
*No recycling bins. It feels really weird to throw my plastic bottles and magazines and empty cereal boxes in the regular trash.
*Every park and school has huge shade coverings over the play structures.
*Even the Redbox machines have a "sunscreen" (a red flap) that hangs over the computer screen to protect it from the sun.
*The sun comes up eaaarrrrrly. We are at the eastern end of the Pacific Time Zone so sunrise is about 5:30am these days.
*People love their pets and it seems that a lot of people are pet owners. Lots of people out walking their pets in the morning. My favorite was the lady who pushed her two little dogs in a stroller. Nice. And every single shopping center/strip mall has one or more pet store, pet groomer, or pet hospital. But here's what takes the cake . . . . one day we came across a Pet Photography Boutique! Yep, come and get your pet's yearly photos!
*All of the parks and neighborhoods are so well manicured and maintained (at least in our area). I have never seen a house or neighborhood with weeds or bikes/toys/junk strewn about the yard.
*Personalized license plates are very popular. I kinda feel left out with my assigned license plate number from the DMV.
*Traffic is fine. People seem to be okay drivers. They just aren't very observant, or they don't know where they are going. The "last minute swerve on/off the freeway off-ramp" is a common move. And every week the news reports another story of a pedestrian getting hit by a car in a cross-walk.
*There are a lot of smokers here. Like, a lot.
*In light of that fact, it's quite ironic to observe that people are also very fitness-minded. There are giant gyms everywhere, cross-fit and boot camp classes at the park, runners, cyclists, on and on and on.
*Workout wear is a popular style for moms at school, Target, the playground, etc.
*There is absolutely no green moss. Anywhere.

a neighborhood drive-by -- my goings and comings take me by the house several times a week
the house
We are really happy that we currently have renters in our Oregon house. {sigh of relief}
As far as the Nevada house, there's really no update. The seller's realtor did let us know that a while back ago the bank requested a second round of financial statements and paystubs from the sellers, and they submitted that.
We are now 5 months into the short-sale process.
I could make myself crazy focusing on that. But I'm choosing to go to a happy place. And pray. And just be patient.
at a local splash pad
apartment living
Last month the apartment was driving me a little crazy. The limited space, the heat (A/C isn't the greatest), the uncomfortable rental furniture, stark white walls, feeling like I was in a cave (because we don't dare open the window blinds and let any sun (heat) in). But I think my illness was a big factor in that, because since getting healthy I have been better. I've found that not being sick changes your perspective on a lot of things! :)
We go swimming nearly everyday. I've found the magic hour when we have the whole place to ourselves. It's pretty sweet.
Our 5 month lease ends this week (Scott lived here for a month before we showed up) and we're going to begin renting month to month.
screenshot from this morning. Note that it is 88 degrees at 8:02 am
hot, hot, and hotter
The high has been over 100 degrees everyday (except July 4th) since the kids got out of school. Today we're supposed to reach 110 for the first time this year. And as you can see, temps on tuesday and wednesday will be up there too. It's not quite 115, but as Conner said in his letter last month, I think I'm staying inside on that day.
Last week I bought a sunshade
for the van. And I've practiced so I can fold those babies down to a circle in no time.
We went to the park one day at 8:30am so we could try the whole "play in the morning before it gets too hot" routine. The kids were red-faced, sweaty, thirsty messes by the time we were done. I think we'll reserve our play for the splash pads and pool until the fall!
I teach a class of twelve 6-7 year olds and they are a handful. My favorite was when I repeatedly asked a boy to be quiet during Primary, and he just wouldn't. I finally said, "C, please be quiet. It is not your turn to talk right now." And then he mumbled, "It's not your turn to talk either." From a 6 year old! Class was a bit better yesterday, but I still feel like I'm wrangling a bunch of monkeys.
I went Visiting Teaching the other week and got to meet a few more sisters in the ward.
When I talk kids with other women I repeatedly get the wide-eyed, "Oh, so you have older kids" comment. There are lots and lots of really young families here. My favorite comment was at a park playdate a while back, and after listing the ages of my kids one mom said, "So you're a real mom." Okay . . . . I can kind of understand the divide between moms of older & younger kids, but in my situation it's just weird to feel like you're being placed in a separate camp. Can't we all just get along? :)
We have a routine where we get to church pretty early and Scott & the boys help a few other men set up chairs in the cultural hall (for over-flow from the chapel). It just makes me happy to see them helping.
Our ward organist is amazing.
We are doing good. Everyone is happy and healthy. My yearnings for a house of our own are growing a bit, but I try not to focus on that. For now we are enjoying the summer, the lazy days, swimming, getting super awesome tans, and spending time together.
And for those who might be curious, since moving to Vegas 4 months ago we have been down to the strip . . . . once.