I was tagged by Katie. Like . . . . 8 months ago. Finally getting around to it, thanks!
11 random things about me
- I wear a nightguard while I sleep
- I love coconut M&M's - eating some right now
- I spend 1 hour and 25 minutes in the car each day doing school drop off and pick-up. Seriously. (This should change, though, when we move into our house because we'll be within walking distance of the school.)
- Sometimes I have dreams about my teeth falling out.
- Right now I'm reading Happier at Home
and underlining lots of good points with my pencil.
- I'm also reading Stuart Little with Anna
- I have 30 cardigans hanging in my closet. It's a weakness.
- Once, when I was 6 I vacuumed up one of my brother's toys (because I was annoyed it was in my way and I was too lazy to pick it up) and later when he discovered it missing, I didn't fess up.
- There are Star Wars decals on the back of my van.
- For our new house I'm obsessed with the idea of getting a dining table with a metal top.
- I had Anna when I was 26, which means I'll be 44 when she graduates from high school and we become empty nesters. Whoa.

Questions I was asked to answer:
1. What do you wish you knew one year ago?
That moving and buying a new home wasn't going to be a quick 2-3 month process! Continue to cultivate patience. Because here we are a year later, still waiting to get settled.
2. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
I'm looking forward to celebrating Conner's 12th birthday (and priesthood ordination) with family, a girls weekend in Oregon, and most of all . . . . (hopefully) celebrating the holidays in our new home. Ahhh, that will be such a relief.
3. Who did you last say, “I love you,” to?
Payton & Anna. They are the last ones to leave me for the day.
4. What was the best book you read in 2011?
Sadly, I didn't read much in 2011. But I did enjoy reading A Christmas Carol
for the first time last Christmas. I've seen the movie dozens of times. But it was a different experience to read the book. I really enjoyed it and it set such a great tone for the Christmas season.
5. What food won’t you eat?
Hmm, . . . . Oh, yes. That would be Scott's ultra spicy order of Pad Thai. When the server asks, "How much spice? 1 to 10?" Scott always says 10.
6. What do you admire most about the opposite sex?
Their ability to make confident decisions on everything big and small.
7. Do you believe in God?
Yes! I'm a Mormon - a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Heavenly Father, the gospel of Jesus Christ, prayer, scripture study, and church attendance & service are woven deeply into my everyday life.
8. Beach vacation or mountain retreat?
Beach vacation! In fact, I have one of those coming up in April 2013.
9. Smart phone or regular phone?
Smart phone all the way! I got an iphone for Christmas and I absolutely love it! E-mail, FB, instagram, calendars, weather, notes & lists, my alarm, weight/nutrition tracker, address book, maps & directions, restaurant recommendations, internet, . . . . everything I need is on this phone.
10. Do you like tea, coffee or hot coco? Which one is your favorite?
Hot chocolate. I don't drink coffee or tea. I'm sooo anxious for the temps to cool down (even to the 70's, please!) so I can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream once again.
11. If you could pick any neighborhood from a movie to live in which one would it be and why?
Interesting . . . . Ah, yes! Downton Abbey! For like a month, and then I'd need to go back to my real life. Or maybe I'd really like it and stay. Who knows.
I'm going to tag 11 people: Jenn, Sheila, Nicole, Paige, Heidi, Becca, Bree, Lisa, Mom, Kim, Rochelle
Your job is to post 11 random things about yourself
And answer these 11 questions (taken from Q and A a Day: 5-Year Journal
- Do you plan, or are you flying by the seat of your pants?
- Today was amusing because _________
- How hungry are you right now?
- Bad news: sugarcoated or straight-up?
- How do you get out of a rut?
- What are you a geek about?
- What do you crave?
- What was the last bad movie you watched?
- Do you have any new friends?
- You want a new _________
- What makes you feel wonderful?