Time for some Halloween photos!
The kids got to wear their costumes to school. But there was a rule of no make-up, no props, no wings, etc. Anna decided to save her angel costume for later (because what's an angel without wings?) and wore her super girl costume to school instead.
I supervised the "decorate a bag" table at her classroom Halloween party.
All the kids in her class are so so sweet. I've decided that 1st grade is the place to be.
Then, outside the parents lined up to watch the costume parade. I used to looooove the costume parade in elementary school! This is the first time my kids have had this experience and I hope they loved it too.
Here comes Payton!
He was a mad scientist, but without his make-up, hair dye, and accessories he just looked like a doctor. Luckily he has this ID tag to set people straight.
On Halloween Anna was our little angel . . .
Talk about a little beauty! I can't get over her beautiful face. That little girl is stretching and slimming into a little lady. And the way that she moves and carries herself makes me take notice on a regular basis. Oh my, I'm a little fearful for us in a few years!
Payton rocked the Mad Scientist look
In the weeks leading up to Halloween he thought about changing his mind, but I'm so glad he stuck with this idea. His idea also included carrying around a beaker or test tube with green liquid and smoke (dry ice). We wisely steered him clear of that one.
I found both the lab coat
and the flip front goggles
(only $8) on Amazon.
Conner brought back Bionic Booger Boy from last year.
We have a family rule that the last year you can trick-or-treat is during 6th grade. Conner has reached that milestone and thought long and hard about what costume he would wear for his last year. He decided that BBB was the best way to go out. In a green blaze of glory.
I sure do love these kids!
Scott took them around the neighborhood
While I stayed back to pass out candy. Wearing this cute thing . . . .
You know I love dressing up for Halloween. When Scott brought this dirndl home from his travels to Austria this May, I was so excited! Not only did it fit perfectly (I was impressed by his choice of sizing) but I knew it would make a great Halloween costume.
When everyone got back it was time for the annual lesson on taxes.
Especially effective during an election year. This year Scott was kind and only took 10% of the kids' candy because they said they would vote for Romney.
Now as we roll into November I am anxiously awaiting the day that I can wear my boots for the first time! We're still hovering around 80, you know. Definitely a different kind of fall!