Scott and Conner went on a campout with the Boy Scouts. Conner is about to turn 12 and join the big-boy Boy Scouts and Scott was just called to be the Assistant Scoutmaster at church. The stars have aligned perfectly for them to participate in some great activities together. This particular campout involved hiking into the camping site and sleeping overnight in temps around 38 degrees. Cooooold! I'm thankful for these kinds of activities, stinky boys, and memories made through scouting.
I was just called to be a teacher in Relief Society. I gave my first lesson two Sundays ago -- it was on The Power of Kindness. I think it went really well. I'm thankful for my new calling and the opportunity it will give me to get to know the sisters in the ward better and vice versa.
I'm thankful for my sleek new washing machine and it's matching ultra-fast dryer. Oh and I'm thankful for Tide Pods - have you used those things? So slick.
Conner got straight A's in his first quarter of middle school this year. Woo-hoo! Each quarter the school rewards the straight A students by taking them to a Straight A luncheon at a local buffet. Isn't that the best idea ever? I got to be one of the chaperones, walking a group of 80 or so 6th grade students about 3 blocks down the road. AND, I got a free meal. Just look at the smile on that kid's face. He had been anticipating this day for weeks . . . . dreaming of all the foods he was going to eat. Sorry, but no pizza. We were there during breakfast serving hours, but I think the giant pile of bacon made up for that. I am thankful for a smart kid and a great school that recognizes achievement!
Finally putting up some fall decor in the house. It was taken a long time for it to feel like fall. The weather is so different here. You don't get the same seasonal cues and feelings to let you know that Halloween and Thanksgiving are approaching. In the future I need to take my cues from the stores (what they are stocking) and my calendar (the fall decor needs to go up on Oct 1st whether I feel it or not!). I'm thankful for fall colors and falling leaves . . . . even if I have to create them myself!
Do you see it? The before and after? Right door -- scuzzy, yucky. Left door - just like new. Me and Goo-Gone had a party. I'm thankful for killer cleaning supplies and not having to be embarrassed by my front door.
Cold morning, cold hands. I'm thankful that I get to hold his hand every morning on the walk to school.
10:30pm on a Friday night and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Oregon friends. I'm thankful for lasting friendships and get-togethers to look forward to!