On Monday, Anna lost a tooth at school. For a 1st grader, losing a tooth at school is like, the coolest thing ever. Because you get this awesome little tooth necklace to carry your tooth home in. She was soooo excited about it. So excited, that she started jumping on the trampoline while wearing the necklace. You can guess what happened next -- the tooth popped out of it's case and was lost. Cue: wailing and tears.
We consoled her and told her that if she wrote a note to the tooth fairy it would be okay. And sure enough, she had a dollar under her pillow when she woke up the next morning. After school that day she again went outside to jump on the trampoline (her favorite post-homework activity). Next thing I know Anna comes running into the house screaming, "I found my tooth! I found my tooth!" What the . . . .? How in the world, I'll never know, but she found that stinkin' tooth on the cement underneath the trampoline!
Conner had a piano recital and received a medal for that "Superior with Honors" ranking he snagged at the Junior Festival. I don't know who was more excited about it . . . . Conner or Payton.
Speaking of piano lessons . . . . here we are hanging out in the van during Conner's piano lesson. The kids do their homework. I read. And sometimes nap for a few minutes. (This is a post-nap photo). Annnnd, I'm loving the Dblcam iphone app -- it simultaneously takes a photo from your front and rear cameras and pieces them together. Lots of creative potential.
It was Nevada Reading Week. Payton's teacher called our home to "catch him reading." While on the phone he read a few paragraphs from The Prisoner of Azkaban for her.
I'm doing a few photography assignments for the company Scott works for. This particular address sent me way out to the edge of civilization.
Hello! hello! hello!
Then I went shopping (40% everything at Gap) and scored these 2 dresses! Love them both, but the blue one was a stunner. I can already picture myself wearing it to a sunset dinner . . . . We're just 4 weeks away from Kauai!
After an early morning workout with Kauai in my sights. I've been at it for a month already -- I love the motivation of an upcoming trip to keep me focused and on track. While I'd love to lose those holiday pounds that have accumulated in my belly (pants are a little tight), my main goal is to tone and reduce the jiggle. :) I alternate each day between 20-30 minutes on the elliptical and
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
My favorite #thebrownswalktoschool photo so far. I set my phone on the ground and used the TimerCam self-timer camera app.
An amazing sunset on Friday night as we drove up to the temple. It had been a windy day so there was a lot of dust in the air, perfect for creating a hazy sunset glow.
And, outside the Las Vegas Temple after our session. What's so cool is that it looks just like the Portland temple! Just replace the palm trees with Douglas Fir and Flowering Cherry trees. And the layout inside is mostly the same (although a little bit smaller). It felt like we were at home. :)
I woke up Saturday morning to a little girl at my bedside holding a plate of warm homemade donuts. Scott is a keeper.
We kicked off Spring Break with a family movie -- The Great and Powerful Oz. We all really liked it!
After the movie I treated everyone to Dairy Queen. I had a debt to pay. Two weeks ago we frantically ran through the house getting ready for Conner's piano recital, scarfing down dinner, Scott made it home just in time, and I yelled at everyone to get into the car so we could go. Scott drove and half-way there I opened the calendar on my phone (to check the address) only to discover that we were one. week. early. Doh! We drove straight to McDonald's for ice cream cones on Mom, but their ice cream machine was broken (wha?). Today I was finally able to pay up.