On our trip to Kauai this spring the inflight movie was "Parental Guidance." It is about a pair of grandparents who come to watch their grandchildren for a week while the mom and dad are away on a business/leisure trip. It was so fitting!
But in this movie, the mom is super nervous about leaving her kids with her parents and she can't bring herself to leave. So the husband leaves to attend to business and she stays and frets over every little thing (schedules, meals, discipline, etc.). Each day she tries to leave, but just can't bring herself to do it.
Finally, on day 3 or 4, her wise mother grabs her by the shoulders and says "Go. Go be with your husband. Some day all of the children leave and it will just be you and him."
Ahhh, I loved that sentiment! You need to invest in your relationship. Because someday, really, it will be just you and him and hopefully you still like each other!
I'm so glad that we took the time to getaway, just the two of us. It was such a great trip. We just enjoyed ourselves so much and felt so connected in our relationship as parents, partners, and friends.
Taking these trips and spending this time together is an investment we are committed to making so that when we reach the "you and I" stage (about 11 years from now) we are still just as connected and still best of friends.
I sure love this man. He treats me well.
(enjoy the video)