de-lib-er-ate (adjective): done consciously and intentionally
everyday moment: I took some time before church to gather the kids around the piano and practice a song that they will sing at Anna's baptism in a few weeks.
intention: I want the kids to love and understand music. And I want them to participate in continuing a tradition.
everyday moment: I sent the kids outside to play on a warm Saturday afternoon. Later when I checked on them I found them all sitting in the shade, hunkered around Conner's iPod screen. From the garage I grabbed a street hockey net (still in the box) and handed it to them, "put this together and play."
intention: I want the kids to learn how to work together. I want them to have practical knowledge of how to build things by following directions. I want them to remember that playing together is more fun than playing with a video screen.
everyday moment: Walking home from school. Holding Payton's hand.
intention: Even though the school pick-up rounds are time-consuming, I choose to do it this way because I want those extra moments in the car and on the walking path, away from distractions (toys, snacks, friends), to hear about their day, talk, laugh, connect, and hold hands. (I am thankful that our location & schedule allows for me to do this . . . I know that not everyone can.)
Recently I received a copy of this wonderful book in the mail.
It is a collection of stories, ideas, and motivating principles compiled by the great women at Power of Moms. Earlier this year I attended a Power of Moms retreat and had such a good time. Having this book in my hands suddenly reminded me of all that I learned there.
As I look back, I think the biggest take-away for me was simply getting to spend an entire day thinking about what I want for my family. And deciding that I should spend regular time thinking about my intentions, purposes, and goals. How do I want to mother? What do I want my children to learn & remember?
I love LOVE the term "deliberate motherhood". In the book's introduction, Co-Directors of Power of Moms April and Saren, define this:
" . . . it means that you really think about what you do as a mom. You really care about your family and want the best for them. Plus you want to learn and grow and develop yourself as a person through the experience of motherhood. You live life purposefully. You embrace what you uniquely bring to your family."
I think that is perfect! I want to be a deliberate mother. And I want to surround myself with women who are striving to be deliberate mothers as well.
Above I shared a few moments and routines in which I feel like I am mothering deliberately. Making mindful choices with a purpose at heart. But I know that there are many moments and many days that pass by in a blur where I feel more like a deliberate zombie than a deliberate mother.
It happens.
And then I realize that I have the ability to do better. I am the mother.
"Living deliberately means that we need to acknowledge that we are in a mothering phase of life. That doesn't mean that we can't or shouldn't do anything else. However, we don't want to wish our mothering years away." page 90-91, Deliberate Motherhood
I love the back cover of the book . . .
It is not about perfection. It is not about decorating birthday cakes, sewing halloween costumes, or being the most on-the-ball classroom mom. It is about discovering the talents, skills, heart, and strength that is unique to each of us . . . . and utilizing this power to create a life in which your family can love and thrive.
"The power of mothering and living with intention is having a vision for our lives and key relationships. It is refusing to live in a constant reactionary state. It is choosing to have control over our responses even when we cannot control the causes. It is making a mistake; as we do daily, even hourly; and regrouping, dusting off, and starting again. It is knowing who we are and lining up our doing and being with the glory of our possibilities." - p.100, Deliberate Motherhood
Love that last line.
I would love to share a copy of this book with one of you. To enter this GIVEAWAY, just leave a comment on this post. Sorry, this is for US residents only. I will randomly select a winner and announce the name next Monday (September 30).
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If you would like to purchase this book yourself, Power of Moms is offering a special during the month of September.
For anyone who purchases the book in September and sends their receipt (or an email acknowledging purchase) to [email protected], they’ll receive complimentary access to the Deliberate Mothering Podcast series (valued at $20). Also, on October 4th, 10 Grand Prize Winners will be selected to receive the Power of Moms Premium Package (valued at $224)! For all the information on this special giveaway, visit THIS LINK
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I received this book at no cost. This review and all opinions are completely my own. Additionally, I am an affiliate member which means if you click the banner below and purchase any products I will receive a small comission.