Day 7 of recording a week in the life. Even though, at times, this project can feel like a lot of work (taking photos, writing notes, observing, etc.) I am so glad that I did it. Already, as I scroll through my photos I see a life . . . an everyday rhythm . . . that is so different than what it was 2 years ago, even 1 year ago.
That is the special thing about this project. Taking a step back and recording what life - real life - looks like right now.
I plan to put these photos into scrapbook pages and add them to my week in the life album. When I do I will share them here. But you'll probably have to be patient. :)
Here is a look at Sunday:
ready for church, waiting for me
gathering the binders (rolls and announcements)
squeezing in a few more minutes
the sunday party wagon
my door holders
egg salad sandwich craving . . . satisfied
naptime (Scott - 2 hours, Me - 1 hour)
dinner prep - baked potatoes and lots of toppings