Seriously. Are we old enough to have been married 15 years?
15 years
It feels so quick, yet so long at the same time. There are a lot of memories contained in 15 years of growing a marriage and a family. We have definitely changed and grown from the 19 and 22 year old babies that came out of the Oakland Temple that January day.
Looking back to that day, and knowing what we know now about relationships & the reality of raising a family, we realize that we were so so so clueless. Ha! How much did we really know about each other after 7 months of dating/engagement? How many pieces of advice on how to manage a lasting relationship flew right over our heads . . . simply because we had no frame of reference?! It's kinda scary / lucky to think about the leap of faith that comes when you join your life with someone else's -- for eternity.
But we did it with hearts in our eyes, a gallop in our step, and high hopes for our future and the family we would create. And I have to tell you, that it has been pretty amazing. My life is more full and rich than I ever could have imagined. We are blessed with 3 fantastic kids who are so great in large part due to the fathering, comedy, and structure that this man provides.
We watched a short video clip recently about love. How do I love thee? by Jeffrey R. Holland - watch it HERE. And it reminded me that the basics in love & marriage really are the most important:
- Show your love -- demonstrate it in words & actions
- Think and say the best of each other
- Love your spouse as Christ loves us
Read the full text of Holland's speech HERE
15 years. He takes good care of me, and still looks at me with stars in his eyes and reminds me often how madly he loves me. Love ya, babe.
How about we celebrate with a trip to Hawaii?
We're calling this our "golden" anniversary -- 15 years on the 15th of the month. Pretty cool, eh?