1. You play the piano for opening exercises of Priesthood each Sunday. We decided that the best route was for you to choose 4-5 songs and simply rotate through them each Sunday. (We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet, Ye Elders of Israel, How Firm A Foundation, Battle Hymn of the Republic . . . ) That way you can get really good at them and besides, there are only a few songs that the men like to sing anyways.
2. You spoke in church last month on temples. This is your 3rd talk in the past year and a half.
3. You are starting to work on your Eagle Project. Right now you are in the gathering ideas and brainstorming phase.
4. You have pulled off straight A's each quarter so far this year. Barely. You always make me so nervous the last 2 weeks of the quarter as I check ParentLink and see that you're just squeaking by in one class (90.2%) as mid-terms or finals are approaching. But somehow you pull it off!
5. That being said, you are an excellent, bright student. The stress over grades doesn't come from lack of ability, but from occasional lack of follow-through (i.e. late assignments). Grrr!
6. You love, love, love Studio C. And now that you have the BYUtv app on your iPod you watch old episodes all the time. I often hear laughter from your bedroom and I know exactly what you are doing (watching).
7. You, Payton, and Anna have an almost daily routine of putting on your swimsuits in the afternoon and going for a group jump on the trampoline. Well, one person is armed with a squirt gun but the other two jump. I love seeing and hearing you 3 play together.
8. You recently decided to join the Krypto Club at school. I have been encouraging you all year to join a club or organization with no luck. But as soon as you learned from your math teacher that being part of the Krypto Club brings extra credit, you were totally on board.
9. You finished it long ago, but just recently received recognition for completing your Deacon Duty to God achievements. They had a Stake recognition night on Sunday. One at a time, each ward's bishop took a turn on the stand while their boys' names were called -- the boy then went down the line shaking hands with his bishop and all members of the Stake Presidency. Conner was the only young man from our ward who was being recognized for this year and when he got up to the stand our bishop told him, "You've saved us Conner."
10. Yesterday you were lamenting all things english, art, and history related. "If I'm going to be an engineer why in the world do I need to waste my time learning all this stuff?!" Said like a true 13 year old. :)