Loving my new Naked 3 eyeshadow! It was a Mother's Day gift and while I was intimated by the 9 shade pallette at first, so far every combination I have tried has totally worked and it looks great all day long.
Getting to know my dentist really well. And his office staff. At 3 hours and $850 per visit once a month for the past two months (with one more to go in June) they should just put my name on a plaque in the waiting room.
Cracking the whip with these last few school projects. Conner has 3 major assignments in just one class with just 8 days of school left. What?
Trying out new hairdo's with Anna. We attempted sock curls one night while watching Once Upon a Time and it really worked! Full, bouncy curls for school the next day.
Deciding what tv series we need to watch next. Scott and I just finished all 5 seasons of Heroes because we missed it the first time around. Friday Night Lights is on our list. Any other suggestions?
Baking cookies and eating way too many of them myself.
Admiring my new front door! Yes, the brass is gone! This exterior house update is still a process - hardware is on order, paint needs to happen, new light fixtures to be hung -- but I am pretty happy with any kind of progress. When it's all finished (hopefully painting next week) I'll be sure to share some pictures.
Elated that I had the recent opportunity to meet up with my very best and longest online buddy Katie for a lunch date! Katie and I have known each other for a long time. Yearrrsss. It all started on the message boards at Two Peas in a Bucket as we both had a love for scrapbooking. She was in high school and I was a new mom -- both of us living in the Portland area about 2001-ish. Soon we both started blogs and we have been following and supporting each other through all of life's events. I've seen her through college, sorority life, living on her own, boyfriends, a photography career, faith journeys, and coming into her own. I have always been impressed by her confidence and standards -- she knows what she wants out of life.
When this Minnesota girl happened to be in Vegas there was no way we could pass up an opportunity to meet. Katie and her dear friend Lindsay & 2 year old daughter Kate made the long drive across the valley (this place is bigger than you think) and met me for lunch at one of my favorite places.
In person Katie was just wonderful, easy to talk to, gracious, so sweet, and I really learned what a kind open-hearted woman she is. I can't get over the fact that after all these years of seeing each other on a computer screen here we were - face to face! Our lunch date was much too short so the next time she is in town we need to plan more time to chat it up. Here's to making new (old) friends!
Katie blogs over at Creole Wisdom