Welcome to July!
Yesterday we stayed home all day and did a little 4th of July crafting. I love the 4th of July but it always sneaks up on me and I miss out on my opportunity to decorate with red, white & blue. And that makes me sad. But not this year!
First we made some tissue tassel garlands. Say that 5 times fast. (I found a tutorial here)
The 1776 hoop is a little embroidery project I did at the Andersen family reunion. And I made the God Bless America canvas last year at my Pinterest party.
Yesterday we also painted 5 yardsticks to make ourselves one gigantic star! (Inspiration here)
I absolutely love it! Scott came home from work and while eating dinner I said, "did you see my star?" Then we had to rush out to clean the church and I asked, "did you see my star?" Finally when we got home I said, "Scott go see my star!" So if anyone else wants to come over to see my star I am more than happy to show it off. I love that it will also double as a Christmas decoration. Maybe string some white lights around it . . . .
As you can see I used the holes that were already in the yardsticks to tie the points together with baker's twine. No glue needed.
I'll tell you right now that it is HOT in Vegas. Supposed to reach 112 today. And tomorrow. And pretty much stay above 105 forever. In this kind of heat I don't want to go anywhere. And when I do leave the house I try to plan my escape for the early morning -- like today when I went grocery shopping at 7am. I thought about going last night, but it was still going to be 100 degrees at 10pm.
Oh, sometimes I just have to laugh at these crazy temps! And thank my lucky stars for A/C. And a swimming pool.
My grandfather and great-grandparents are actually from this area. Overton. Although I can hardly imagine it, somehow they made it without air conditioning. My dad says that they would soak burlap sacks with water and hang them in the windows, hoping to cool the air that came through by just a couple degrees.
Oh my goodness, I think I'll go kiss my A/C right now that chugs along 24/7 to keep our house at a live-able 76 degrees! We have it pretty nice.