It is Payton's turn, and I've been meaning to write this post all summer but it just never happened. Luckily, Payton just wrote a paper for English this week titled "Who Am I?" So from his own words, here's a glimpse into who Payton is right now. Along with a few pictures of him from the summer.
Hi my name is Positive Payton, and I like to laugh. My dad is from Idaho, and my mom is from California. So my entire family loves potatoes and the beach. Except for me. I have an older brother named Conner who is thirteen, and a younger sister named Anna who is eight and almost nine. Conner likes potatoes, and Anna likes the beach. I am the middle child, and I like doing things that my siblings don’t. I was born in Oregon and lived in St. Helens for 9 years before we moved to Henderson in 2012. I like it in Oregon because sometimes it snows! When it snows, we like to crawl through the tracks made by cars in the street.
(Payton was the snow cone king at the Andersen family reunion. My dad set up a snowcone station and the kids had free access to it 24/7. I think Payton's snowcone total came to somewhere around 15.)
My hobbies are swimming, video games, Dungeons and Dragons, and bike riding. I like doing all kinds of other things, but these are my favorites: Skiing, playing in the snow, jumping on our trampoline, and playing archery. My least favorite thing to do is play basketball. I don’t like it, because I have to run while not looking at the ball and I hate multitasking. One of my favorite classes in school is science. I like that subject because I really like doing experiments. My favorite movie is The Lego Movie because it is very funny. We are amazed at how good the animation is. I like listening to music which uses really cool instruments like the electric keyboard. An example is the song, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!! In my free time, I like to sleep in my bed because sleep is a beautiful thing. My goals are to become an archery professional, and Computer software engineer.
(As part of the assignment, he was asked to bring in an item that represents him. He chose his Perplexus Epic.)
The object that I brought is my Perplexus Epic. It represents me because I like big challenges. I got it a couple weeks ago, and since then almost all of my free time has been devoted to finishing it. I even brought it on a road trip to Arizona, and my sister’s soccer game. The thing that makes me special is I always like to joke around. One time, Conner, Anna, our friends Seth, Violet, Jonah, and I were playing Dungeons and Dragons. We were faced with a Bugbear. Violet didn’t know what to do since she was only seven, so I gave her some advice. “Take ten gold pieces and throw them at the Bugbear’s head. That ought to knock some cents into him.” After that, everybody laughed.