This has been a great weekend. Between a Saturday morning hike, Saturday chores (not necessarily fun but the results make me happy), and a date to a food festival I definitely feel like I got the recharge that I talked about in my last post.
I had been planning this Saturday morning hike all week and I mentioned it to the kids as an invitation rather than a demand, and they were all on board. The hike is really close by so I figured that we could just roll out of bed, put on some clothes and shoes, and make a little outing of it and still have the whole morning and day ahead of us.
My alarm went off Saturday morning (because I wanted to do this early) and I hesitated. I even got up, went to the bathroom, and came back to bed and thought to myself "no one would be disappointed if I just forgot about it." But then I remembered that this is something on my fill-my-bucket to do list, and yes I would be disappointed if we didn't do it.
So I gathered the kids and we drove off. Scott opted not to go, which was totally fine with me.
It was a great morning. Overcast, about 68-70 degrees. The hike followed a gravelly trail of switchbacks up to the top of a nearby hillside where you get an amazing view of the city. I'll let the pictures tell the story (all taken with my iphone 4s -- I've had that phone for almost 3 years, feeling like it's almost time for an upgrade!).
*Be sure to watch the video later in the post.
What a surprise!!
I posted a picture of our hike on instagram and commented that I love these family hikes because they always bring out the most fun (and random) conversations.
Did you hear the stray Romeo and Juliet comment at the end? And something about nacho cheese?
If you want to go: The City View Trail can be found in Sun City MacDonald Ranch. Take High Mesa Road all the way to the end and you'll find a tiny park on the left with parking, bathrooms, and picnic tables. You can't miss the trailhead.