Welcome to Tuesday! Here's a small peek at our everyday
6:38 AM - Before school we read a chapter of the Book of Mormon as a family. We go around the circle and everyone takes a turn reading 4 verses until the end of the chapter.
7:50 AM - standing on the asphalt outside Anna's classroom, watching the flurry of activity on the playground & at morning drop-off, ready for my volunteering gig to start..
1:15 PM - Our pumpkins from Winco. And I think that I subconsciously ignore the need to sweep my front porch because the handful of scattered leaves from the nearby rose bush and jasmine vine help me feel like it might actually be fall.
2:09 PM - Proof that they are home from school.
3:27 PM - Piano lessons with Anna. She is on the very last songs in her Level 1 books. Last year we were kind of slow & inconsistent with lessons. But this year we are blazing through.
4:08 PM - Getting ready for soccer practice. Gathering water bottles & Pepsi bottles and making funny faces in the kitchen. Anna loves having her dad take her to practice.
4:18 PM - Picked up the boys from piano lessons and Payton is barely in the care before he dives back into his book. Michael Vey is a favorite of both boys.
8:55 PM - Taking it down to the wire . . . Conner & Payton wanted my help to submit a video for the school talent show. All entries were due by 9pm.
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This week I am documenting our everyday lives along with Ali Edwards and her project Week in the Life.