Grade: 9
Height : 5 ft. 5 in.
What's for lunch : Bologna sandwich
Yes, we have a high schooler! For many years every time I looked ahead to high school I just couldn't wrap my head around it. Being a high school mom. Having a high schooler. Preparing for college. SATs. Driving. Dating. Ack!! It's one of those things that you know is coming but you put it out of your mind because in some irrational way you think that it will never happen to you.
But you know what? His 8th grade year ended and all of the high school stuff that I imagined would feel so weird . . . . suddenly just felt right. We were there. He was ready. It all felt natural. And so really, I felt no nervousness, anxiety, none of the my-baby-is-growing-up-too-fast syndrome. It was time and he was going to do great.
I have learned over & over again and loved that each new phase that appears to be so scary as it sits in the distance, comes upon us at the right time, the proper place in their development, and it just fits.
All that aside, we have a lot to learn! And I'm feeling like I have to be in super clued-in mode so I don't miss any opportunities, deadlines, strategies, etc. I've found that talking with other high school moms is essential because inevitably they know a trick that I don't. High school is a whole new ball game since I was there (almost 20 years ago!). It's more intense, ramped up, competitive, and there are so many options/paths to choose from. We'll figure it out. And once again Conner gets to be our guinea pig. It's a good thing he's a smart, parent-pleasing (most of the time) kid.
So, Conner's first week of school . . . sounds like it went great! He is doing Madrigals and Concert Choir which is a huge opportunity as a freshman. So glad he gets to have that peer group right on the first day of school. He started out as the lone freshman in Madrigals, but since then another boy auditioned and made the cut. I don't think he knows anybody from middle school in his classes. He eats lunch with a couple girls from church - a sophomore and junior. I keep asking, "do you talk to them?" I know how much he likes to focus on his food at lunch time. His response, "a bit." He has a locker but after 2 weeks he has never used it. Not enough time in passing periods.
He also has early-early morning seminary. He has done great with his new schedule -- always wakes up with his alarm and kicks it into gear to get ready, pack a lunch, and eat breakfast before family scriptures. Believe me when I say it is early! I wake up with him and M-F I find myself in bed asleep before 10pm. Seminary meets in a church building across the street from the high school so that makes it super convenient.
His classes: Madrigals, Japanese I, English 9Honors, Biology Honors, Geometry Honors, P.E., Concert Choir
Grade: 7
Height : 57.5 inches
What's for lunch : Honey ham + Kraft Singles sandwich
Our lone Middle Schooler! He was a bit sad over the summer knowing that Conner would not be joining him at Middle School again this year. But when he heard that we were going to carpool he was happy all over again. Yep, we carpool in the mornings with 4 kids (Jonah, Seth, Avery, & Payton) and in the afternoon with 6 kids (Jonah, Seth, Avery, Payton, Rachel, & Carlie) -- all from church. This is going to be so nice this year as we're juggling 3 kids in 3 schools.
The first day / week of school was a breeze. Payton is a pretty happy, fun-loving kid. He's easily amused, finds or creates humor in just about every situation, and just gets along with everybody. He was a little disappointed (for a moment) that he has no friends in any of his classes but he quickly got over that. He was most excited for his media/broadcasting class. Each day they film a News segment that is broadcast to every classroom -- it includes morning announcements, and occasional features like interviews, fun videos, etc. He received a lanyard name tag -- essentially a "press pass" / hall pass -- that allows him to go anywhere in the school during that class hour. Can you even imagine how cool that would feel?
He has the same Reading and English teachers that Conner did in 7th grade so we know what to expect there. One of those teachers was pretty tough on Conner. But at the same time, Payton also had Conner's "tough" Reading teacher in 6th grade and it was a breeze for him. The boys are wired a little differently when it comes to school work so I wouldn't be surprised if Payton breezes through this class as well.
At lunch time he bounces back and forth between sitting with his 7th grade friends and Seth & Jonah. This year he wants to join the Drama Club and Archery club. I also want him to join NJHS.
His classes: English Acc, Reading Acc, Math Acc, US History Acc, Science Acc, Intro to Media Technology
Grade : 4
Height : 57 inches
What's in her lunch : bagels + cream cheese
Well, what to say about this girl . . . she has been DYING to go back to school! Ever since we bought a few new uniform pieces the beginning of August she has been moaning, "How much longer until school starts?? I just want to wear my new clothes!"
We did get some pretty cute pieces for her this year. The jumper she is wearing above, a couple skorts, and a button up t-shirt dress, knee high socks, and floral & polka dot tennis shoes. She is a pretty sporty girl, loves to play soccer at school, would choose a simple pony tail every day of the week, and is a little "rough" around the edges compared to other girls her age. One of the things I want to work with her this year is balancing out the sporty / toughness with some girliness. Our back to school shopping trip was a huge success - she tried on all those skirts/dresses and fell in love. I've been shocked to see her wear knee high socks several days a week (something she previously scoffed at & refused), she loves her dresses, and we take the time to do her hair (with a few pony tails here and there). We're not the kind to get all primped out for elementary school, but it's 4th grade and time for her to start thinking a little more like a girl.
She loves her teacher (and is loving being inside the school this year - last year it was a portable). There are a total of 6 kids from church in her class. Crazy how that worked out! Her best friend from last year is also in her class as well as several girls & boys she has been classmates & friends with over the years. It looks like it's going to be a really good class.
Her school moved to a year-round schedule this year. Not my ideal - especially with older boys - but we'll make the best of it. During her months off (November and March) I'm looking forward to bike rides, outings that are too boring for the boys, crafts, library visits, and playdates.
Grade : 52 - combined years of personal schooling and my kids schooling, because I'm pretty much doing it all over again
Height : 5 ft 5.5 in
What's in her lunch : Turkey + Spinach on Dave's Killer Bread (the green bag)
As for my first 2 weeks of school, it looked like: Laundry, grocery shopping, LuLaRoe, Presidency Meeting, shopping for the straggling school supplies, religion class, pilates class, a PTA meeting, one lunch date with girlfriends, one lunch date with my boyfriend, and morning carpool duty.