School starts tomorrow!
It was a short summer. Between finally being free of year-round school on July 20th and then our district moving the first day of school up by TWO WEEKS . . . summer was gone in a blink of an eye. I had these grand plans of throwing a Back to School Feast just like Nie Nie does. I could picture it all . . . . we'd have a great meal, the table would be set beautifully and I would unveil a meaningful theme for the family to focus on throughout the school year. As it often does, time got away from me. And the thought of pulling together something like that might have been doable, but it would have also eaten up ALL of my remaining fun-mom energy. And this summer there wasn't a whole lot of that to start with!
Mid-week I had an epiphany . . . . I don't have to do it just like NieNie. I can make it my own! So I did. And I felt pretty proud of myself for letting go of the big production and creating something just as meaningful & memorable.

Yes, the "E" is missing on SHINE. I'll explain later.
Saturday morning our alarms went off at 5am. Scott and I dressed quickly and he set off on a donut run. At 5:15am I went into the kids' rooms one by one, and with a cheery voice announced - "Wake up! Rise and Shine! Put your tennis shoes on - we're going on an adventure!" The kids were definitely confused, but in their grogginess they didn't ask many questions.
10 minutes later we were out the door. At 5:30am we pulled into the small parking lot of a favorite local hiking trail. Scott was there waiting for us. With water bottles in hand, and a box of donuts in Scott's arms the kids knew what to do. Up the trail!

It was so still and quiet outside. The Vegas city lights were doing their thing. And a warm orange glow appeared over the mountains to the east. Clouds hung over the color which allowed us to see patches of small rainstorms in the distance.

It is a mere 15 minute walk to the top at which point the kids were rewarded with donuts.

Once everyone was adequately charged with sugar I shared a message.
This is a big year for all of the kids. Anna is starting middle school. Payton is starting high school. Conner is entering 11th grade which is an important year as he prepares for college. It has also been a very challenging & trying year for our family . . . . my mom has been battling cancer for 10 months. And we have been facing some professional challenges.
So I decided on a family motto that can inspire us to get through these challenges & help us reach our goals
R I S E & S H I N E
This theme has two parts.
What does it mean to rise? To get up. It is not a passive thing. It embodies action, ambition, enthusiasm, resolve, determination, and resiliency.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, "Rise up and become the person you were designed to be."
I asked the kids to think about their goals - where do you want to go, who do you want to be? Now is the time to take the necessary steps to get there. Now is the time to RISE UP and work towards the great potential within you! This is the year to step up and put forth that extra effort at school, work on cultivating a better attitude, and do what is necessary to become your best self.
College, missions . . . those will not magically happen one day on their own. You have to prepare, plan, and become.
Along the way it is inevitable that we will make mistakes and face challenges. It's called life. Dieter F. Uchtdorf also said, "Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we rise up, dust ourselves off and move forward." That is such an empowering statement! You are going to face tough stuff but you always have a choice to rise up and get back on your feet.
Another way we rise is by lifting others.
I have long believed that the formula for getting through our trials is to serve others.
Gordon B. Hinckley said, "Cultivate the light you have within you, and it will SHINE through as radiant expression that will be seen by others." Truly, as you work on yourselves, your testimonies, your talents, and your love for others it will shine through your countenances and people will see it. And they will be drawn to it.
BUT, do you do these things simply to be recognized? Do you develop & share your talents simply so people can see how awesome you are? No.
"Don't shine so others can see you. Shine so that through you others can see Him." - C.S. Lewis
You become your best self & you share & serve so that your light can be a beacon to others. "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
There are endless opportunities every single day to let your light shine! This happens when you smile, do small acts of service, use manners, avoid gossip, lift others up, share sincere compliments, and a million other things. (inspired by Becky - and you can bet I ordered one of her t-shirts)
This school year we are going to RISE AND SHINE!

Or, ahem, "RISE AND SHIN".
I prepared this marquee board the night before and carefully tucked it into my backpack. When I pulled it out for my BIG REVEAL on top of the hill the "E" was missing! We laughed about it and I'm pretty sure that "Rise & Shine" and "Rise & Shin" will be used interchangeably for the duration of the school year.
What are we going to do to implement this theme throughout the year? I have a few ideas, and I'm sure it will develop & evolve over time. For now, weekly quotes on my Letterfolk board (follow me on instagram @shansummer to see those) and a morning chant/song is in the works. Haha! I'll keep you posted!
The morningside was short & sweet (less than 5 minutes) and we were on our way back down the hill.

I think this was the most perfect setting to share our family theme! I loved it so much and this may become a tradition. A sunrise hike, donuts, and a devotional to kick off the school year.
I am feeling great and hopeful that we can all achieve our goals this year, find solutions to our trials, and be a light as we reach out to others!

Right after our hike we had to take Conner straight to work for a 6:30am training session. On the way there we caught another view of the evolving sunrise. Yay!
You can find my Heidi Swapp Lightbox right HERE