In January I received a new calling at church - the Stake Young Womens Secretary - and the first BIG activity we were in charge of was youth conference just 2 months later. Eek! There were many, many, many meetings. An exploratory field trip to the conference location an hour away from Las Vegas. A lot of unknowns. And really, just hoping it worked out because we were ALL so new to this.
(Here we are on a scouting field trip to the youth conference location one month before the event. Mary, Dana, Melanie, and me)
But I have to say that it went off wonderfully! At least that's we felt and many leaders and youth later reported that it was one of the best youth conferences they had ever been too. Well, that is high praise. We'll humbly take it!
The weekend went wonderfully and I hope all 130ish youth had a great experience - making memories, having fun (games, cliff jumping, dancing), meeting new people, serving (so many palm fronds!), feeling the spirit, and learning how to find peace in the light.
Youth Conference is typically a 2-day event for the 14-18 year olds in our church. It can take a lot of forms but typically involves speakers, workshops, activities, a dance, and service. The purposes of youth conferences are to help youth build faith in Jesus Christ, strengthen their testimonies, develop talents, make new friends, and have fun with youth who share similar beliefs and standards.
// THEME //
Our Stake Youth Committee (a group of 14 youth - 2 from each ward) chose the theme for our conference . . . . Find Peace in the Light.
We had t-shirts made (love Custom Ink), and wristbands, and posters and pretty much put that logo everywhere that could be seen.
Youth Conference was held at Warm Springs Ranch -- a recreational area that is owned by our church. I've never been there before but anytime the name was mentioned among long-time local church members, happy sighs, smiles & good memories were shared. For so many, this place seems to hold a lot of nostalgia. In 2010 it actually suffered much loss due to a large fire followed by a flood a year later. It has been closed since that time and only reopened last summer.
The facilities at Warm Springs include large fields for camping & activities, pavilions, restrooms & showers, and as you would guess from it's name, a warm spring that runs through the property. The water is funneled into a natural lagoon and when needed, it is also piped into a large swimming. Always a comfortable 90 degrees.
// SET-UP //
Here's a look at some of our set-up before everyone arrived!
There was a main pavilion where all of our meals would happen as well as some workshops. I had this idea to print up a bunch of posters with quotes and hang them up around the pavilion.
I love the way it turned out!
I chose a bunch of quotes and scriptures about light & peace, following the Savior, and love/inclusion/friendship (since we wanted to foster stake unity at the youth conference). Each poster is double-sided. Thanks to the scrapbooking supplies I have on hand, I affixed an eyelet to the top center of each poster, and strung cotton twine through it to suspend to the beams of the pavilion. This allowed them to twist and turn in the breeze -- a fun, simple visual element.
You can download a list of all the quotes right HERE: Download Quotes Youth Conference
We also wanted to have a large visual display that could engage participation and be a focal point at youth conference. This is what we came up with:
Now, what are we going to do with it? I cut a couple yards of white fabric into 2" x 12" strips. They strips were in a nearby basket on a table along with sharpies and fabric markers. We asked the youth to write their answer to the question, "How have you felt the Savior's love and peace in your life?" and tie it onto one of the rays coming from the lightbulb. The hope & vision is that we would fill the rays with these feelings of love & peace.
That little burst of sunlight through the pegboard . . . golden!
Playing on the "light" theme we also found lots of opportunities to hang battery-powered and solar powered lights everywhere! There were tiki torches, twinkle lights and when the sun went down it was pretty magical!
The check-in table . . .
More lightbulbs around the smaller pavilion . . . These larger "posters" are so easy & cheap to make when you get an engineering print at Staples and then find a cheap place (like an education supply store) to laminate. I don't draw or write anything by hand so I rely heavily on my computer & photoshop to design what I need!
Our youth conference was a Friday-Saturday, overnight event. We designated one field for the girls and another field (far, far away) for the boys. Everyone brought tents & sleeping bags and some even chose to sleep under the stars! Here are some of the young women setting up their camp. I love this golden light!
And the next morning as the sun woke us up . . .
The 4 of us in the Stake YW Presidency all camped together in the same tent. We were near a small pond and, oh my, . . . the frogs! They croaked all. night. long. It was cute for the first few minutes, and then it got old real quick!
Okay, now that I've gone through the general set-up . . . let me give a quick run-through of what we did!
// FRIDAY //
Everyone showed up about 5pm on Friday. The goal was to arrive & quickly set up camp before it got dark. We started with a yummy Cafe Rio style dinner. Seriously good! Our cooks were amazing. They had to bring everything with them -- the kitchen, the food, tables for serving -- it was no small feat! But we were so impressed by everything they did. The food was delicious, always ready on time, and there was plenty to fill our bellies!
In the daytime
Then we pulled our camping chairs around a big firepit for a fireside. The guest speakers spoke about finding peace in the light as well as the importance of reaching out to others around us. It was awesome.
And ended the evening with a dance! Two of our Young Men (seniors) volunteered to be DJ's and so many kids said it was the best dance they had been to in a long time. Everyone had a great time.
(The pool is empty right now, but they fill it on Saturday when we're ready to use it)
Wake-up! Pack up camp. And eat breakfast
Here is our lightbulb board getting some love
We gathered together for a short morning devotional.
Hey! There are my guys! It was pretty fun to all be at youth conference together! Anna wasn't quite old enough (you have to be 14) so she stayed the night with our friends Kenzy & Micah who also had two daughters at youth conference and one left at home. It was a lifesaver! And from what I hear, Anna and Aliza made the most of every minute -- sleepovers are a rare occurrence!
Then we split up into 4 groups. At check-in everyone received a colored wristband (yellow, red, blue, or purple) and that determined the group you would be in for the day. It was a two hour rotation through 4 workshops -- 2 speakers and 2 team-building activities.
I didn't get to listen to either of the speakers but I hear that they were fantastic!
One of the team-building activities was titled "Stay in the Boat". Melanie's husband gave a message about all of the resources and things we have available to us to help us stay strong in the gospel, to stay in the boat. Then they did a relay race where an individual wore a bunch of swimming & water play gear (each piece represented one of those resources to help you stay in the boat) and the rest of the team helped get that person across the course. As you can see it was a lot of playful fun.
Another activity was titled "Working Together to Avoid Temptations & Pitfalls". Dana made this great tarp that was full of holes. Each hole was labeled with a temptation or pitfall like, pornography, addictions, bullying, immodest dress, alcohol/smoking/drugs, gossiping, immoral thoughts/behaviors, choosing bad friends, and on and on.
The youth stood around the tarp holding it on all 4 sides. A tennis ball (or 2 or 3) were dropped on the tarp and then their task was to work together to avoid those pitfalls and get the tennis balls to the opposite end of the tarp and successfully drop the balls in a bucket. Many creative methods were used and it was fun to watch them work together and try to figure it out.
Success! After they did this a couple times they also had fun playing with the tarp like a parachute -- letting the balls bounce & fly like crazy. Note to self: next year we need real parachute games at youth conference!
Hmm, does Payton want us to play Whac-A-Mole?
In one last game, the groups sat in a circle. One person was handed a ball of yarn and they had to tell something about themselves. Anyone else who shared that thing in common raised their hand. While still holding on the end of the string, the first person tossed the ball of yarn to someone with their hand up. And so on. The last person to get the ball of yarn shared something about themself and the game continued, creating a web of yarn with lots of wonderful connections being made.
Then it was time for our service project! In the week prior, some crews had come to trim the palm trees around the property. There are a lot of palm trees! Those palm fronds were left on the ground and it became our job to haul them away. With work gloves on the youth got to work carrying & dragging hundreds of palm fronds to a few locations where they were loaded into the back of pick-up trucks and driven to the dumpster.
It was a lot of dusty work but the youth got right in there. It was amazing to see them in continual motion, like trails of ants moving throughout the property.
Lots of cute girls and boys hard at work!
Once the work was done, everyone was rewarded with a . . . .
. . . . ..pool party!! Let the fun begin! I mean, seriously -- how cool is this place!
They also filled the pool for us with water from the springs
But the lagoon was the real draw. That rock cliff was all kinds of entertainment.
I think it's safe to say everyone had a great time!
As I watched the youth enjoy the afternoon I just kept thinking about the amazing memories they are making together! What a cool opportunity! I hope they always remember this.
Our final activity of youth conference was a testimony meeting. It was wonderful and we were honestly so impressed by the maturity and depth of testimony that these teenagers shared. One of the best parts was when a group of 4-5 senior boys stood up first and made their way to the front to start things off. Setting a great example. Good, good stuff.
The winds had begun to pick up during our meeting and we finished just as a few sprinkles fell from the sky. Before everyone hurried home we gathered for an impromptu group photo.
This was the first official youth conference for our new stake and I think it went really well! One of our hopes was that this would help create some stake unity and we did see steps in that direction. We packed those 24 hours with a variety of activities knowing that everyone learns from & feels the spirit in different ways. Our hope was that there could be something meaningful or impactful (big or small) that might connect with each youth in attendance. There's a lot they have to combat out there in the world and we hope they know & understand that they can find peace in Christ. He is the light.
"Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my spirit, and ye shall have peace in me." Doctrine & Covenants 19:23
Until next year . . . .