Hello to all our wonderful friends and family! It's been a great year:
The year started out with a bang when we moved into our new home on January 4th. It has been wonderful. We are loving all the extra space and with a few outsourced home improvement projects (new paint, new carpet, removal of two gigantic trees, new sod, and a sprinkler system) we are well on our way to making this house our own.
Conner (8) turned 8 last month and was baptized. He is loving Cub Scouts and can't wait to earn his Wolf. He loves to read. His favorite books right now are The Great Brain series. He makes himself a turkey, mayonnaise, & mustard sandwich everyday for lunch and loves that some of the girls at school think it is disgusting. He also plays soccer & basketball and started piano lessons this summer.
Payton (5) loves playing any and all games: on the Wii, www.nickjr.com, and anything he can get his hands on from the game closet. He entered Kindergarten and the highlight of his day is recess. He got to play t-ball and soccer for the first time and receiving trophies, I'm sure, was the highlight of his year. He also loves Lego's, Hot Wheels, the word "pickle", and the smell of "delicious gas."
Anna (3) offers daily tours of her "pink room" to anybody who happens to stop by our house. She is definitely all girl -- dressing up, insisting on pink anything, obsessed with Disney princesses, loves braids in her hair, and showing off her Sunday dress to dad just to get a compliment. This year she also graduated to a big girl bed, completed potty-training, and somehow managed to get even cuter.
Scott is busy at work as usual. He is approaching 6 years in the Young Men's presidency (most of those spent as the Scoutmaster as well). This year he coached Payton's t-ball team and helped out quite a bit with Conner's soccer team. After ripping out the sod in our backyard, this fall he finally got to enjoy the yard of his dreams - velvety soft grass and a sprinkler system that he turns on just for the fun of watching it go. We're talkin', The Bellagio.
Shannon is still keeping up with her blog, fits in an occasional sewing project, and was recently called to be the Primary President. This spring she frequented the movie set of Twilight (her favorite book) when it came to our town for nearly 3 weeks of filming. She even got to pose for pictures with the director, Bella, the cars, and Charlie's house. She gives the movie a thumbs up. She also had the opportunity to see Wicked in L.A. and earlier this year amassed a healthy collection of B's from ebay.
We hope this letter finds you well and we want to wish you a very merry Christmas and happiness and joy in the year to come!