One trait I think I inherited from my mom is the desire to gather people together. For big things, for little things, or for no reason at all! The process of gathering always opens itself to opportunities for creativity, learning, and connection. Those are the things I thrive on.
While in Oregon I started a scrapbooking group (turned crafting group, turned hang out & eat dessert group - ha!) that met quarterly. I was also in a monthly Bunco group. And we had a weekly playgroup. Then we moved to Nevada and life changed a bit, new friends needed to be found, and I was in the new position of having my kids in school full day (goodbye play group ticket).
For the longest time I have wanted to create a small monthly gathering for women. Ideas have bounced in and out of my head for years and I've mentioned it to people from time to time, but I have never acted on it. I wanted it to be something meaningful where we could have great discussions and try new things & create together or explore cool places in the valley. Trust me, I have LOTS of idea!
That desire to "gather" intensified at the beginning of the year as I thought about what I wanted to bring into my life as well as how I could share my light in 2018. Coming off of a rough year, I also thought about what I needed to feel happy, whole, and purposeful. Specifically, in following God's purpose for me and using the talents he has given me to lift others. I started to formulate a plan and I began making notes, brainstorming ideas, soaking in inspiration and felt pretty excited about it! But still, the doubts would creep in from time to time - you know the ones. Is my idea lame? Is anybody going to care? Will anybody come? Will it make sense to anyone beside me? All the crazy thoughts! :)
Then one day as I scrolled through instagram I came across this post by Lizzy Jensen (love her).
@lizzy.jensen - Too many of us let the fear of what others think run our lives, and it's hurting all of us. I believe this is one of the biggest dangers of social media -- that we'll be brainwashed into thinking that what everyone else is thinking/doing etc is more important than what God is thinking about us. The scary thing? When we look to others for affirmation -- or even worse our purpose -- we'll never contribute the gifts or live the life that we came to earth to live.
Here is my challenge. DO SOMETHING (I don't care how big or small) THIS WEEK THAT YOU'VE BEEN FEELING YOU SHOULD DO. Call that person. Hit send on that post. Quit that job, or start the other. Forgive and forget. In one thing, put away the fear of what anyone else but God thinks and do it.
At that time, I had composed an email with my big plan and it was sitting in my draft box. After reading her post, I was confident in hitting send.
I decided to DO SOMETHING. That I was going to take my happiness into my own hands and create this gathering. Another thing I learned from my mom's example was to just go for it. Don't wait for someone else. If you want something that is going to bring you happiness, do it - be the person who takes the first step.
So for you reading today, I also challenge you to DO SOMETHING! If something has been sitting on your mind and your heart, be brave and take that first step.
Okay! After that long back-story . . . here is the basis for my girls gathering.
I emailed 12 women to invite them to join me for a monthly gathering, each month for the next 4 months (through the end of the school year). I invited 12 women knowing that with schedules & life circumstances everyone would not be able to make it every month. I'm not a fan of large groups for something like this, but I felt like this number would work great. I picked a set day for the gatherings (first Thursday) so it would be easy to remember & calendar.
I explained that my goal at each gathering is to provide opportunities to learn, create, serve, explore, and uplift. Each gathering would include a few specific elements:
- Creating or Exploring - Creating something with our hands, moving our bodies, or exploring new things & places
- Service - Everything is sweeter with service, right?
- Uplift - I always love the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and experiences that comes when great women gather together. To help facilitate that, each month I would suggest a short pre-reading assignment. Specifically, a talk from the most recent Women's Meeting of General Conference.
Two weeks before the gathering I send an email to share the activities, service, and article we will be pondering.
Yay! Let's get this thing started!
When the ladies arrived we started things off with a simple brunch - yogurt parfaits with homemade granola and warm scones with honey & jam. Mmm!
I picked up that honey at a market in France almost 2 years ago! It is the tastiest honey I've ever had. The jar is just about empty and I'm trying to figure out how I can get my hands on more!
Then we spent a little time on some super simple Valentine's Day projects.
First, clay hearts. We used Paper Clay which is really soft & easy to mold with just your hands.
That's what I did and went for a more primitive look. I also printed "love" on little paper strips to be embedded into the clay. It takes a couple hours for the clay to air dry. Some of us (me) who were impatient went ahead and painted the heart with acrylic paints before it was completely dry. It turned out just fine - but I don't have a pic of the final product so you'll have to trust me!
I found these ADORABLE templates for Valentine's Day Crowns at The House That Lars Built. They were so cute! And the perfect accessory for a group photo!
Then it was onto our service project! We put together freezer meals with the challenge to take your freezer meal home and GIVE it to someone.
To make this go smoothly, I purchased all the ingredients and did some of the big prep work in advance, like cooking & shredding the chicken. Everyone contributed a few bucks to the project and it was perfect.
We made Chicken Pesto Pasta Shells. You can download the recipe right here - Download Pesto Chicken Pasta Shells.
Love seeing these hands at work.
And the chit-chatting going on as we all take turns.
Look at all those happy, beautiful women serving in the kitchen!
In advance we all read "Abiding in God and Repairing the Breach" by Neill F. Marriott. We had a wonderful discussion of insights and sharing. Just what I had been hoping for!
A couple favorite quotes
We are divinely designed to give love and be loved, and the deepest love comes when we are one with God.
. . . . Heavenly Father will help us love even those we may think are unlovable, if we plead for His aid. The Savior’s Atonement is a conduit for the constant flow of charity from our Father in Heaven. We must choose to abide in this love in order to have charity for all.
When we give our heart to the Father and the Son, we change our world—even if circumstances around us do not change. We draw closer to Heavenly Father and feel His tender acceptance of our efforts to be true disciples of Christ.
I also asked everyone to bring a favorite freezer meal recipe with copies to share. Pretty great that everyone went home with a folder full of new make-ahead dinners to try!
Our first girls gathering was a success and I can't wait to share our other gatherings with you!