On the last day of school I was at the elementary school assisting with set-up for the 5th grade party. The party included a DJ and a big candy buffet/bar. Basically, sugar + loud music. What else could you possibly need to make every 11 year old's dream come true on the last day of school? I got to chatting with one of the other moms, one that I had never met or even seen at the school before. Our paths had just never crossed. We talked about the typical stuff - how many kids do you have, how old are they, how long have you lived in the area, etc. Party set-up did not take long so we soon found ourselves just hanging out in the cafeteria, waiting until party time.
Anna and her friend Olivia came walking through the cafeteria on some kind of errand, looking & acting like big 5th graders who owned the school, full of smiles, laughter, and energy. In fact, while in mid-stride Anna picked up Olivia in her arms and spun her around. (Olivia is about half the size of Anna). I waved and she waved back with both hands and giant open mouth smile, "hi mom!!!!"
The parent I had been working with turned to me rather quickly and said, "Is that your daughter?"
Why, yes.
And then she got the biggest smile on her face and started laughing and I could tell she was bursting to tell me some kind of story. I hoped it was a good one!
"Oh my goodness! I see your daughter everyday after school while I'm sitting in my car at pick-up. She walks past with the biggest smile on her face and her face is just shining! [she made lot of big motions with her hands around her face] She is always in a hurry to get somewhere but she just looks so happy, and has this shining glow. [More excited hand motions] In fact, yesterday at the 5th grade promotion your daughter stood up to receive an award and I turned to my husband - 'Look - that's the girl I was telling you about with the happy face.'"
Oh my goodness! That story absolutely made my week!
Everyone who knows Anna won't be too surprised by this story -- she has a radiant personality. My mom calls her, "my sunshine." I was so touched to know, through this woman's experience, that Anna's glow was able to touch her.
And it made me think about how many opportunities WE have each day to do / be that for someone else. Right? Endless opportunities. And it made me think of the lyrics to this hymn:
In a world where sorrow ever will be known,
Where are found the needy and the sad and lone,
How much joy and comfort you can all bestow,
If you scatter sunshine everywhere you go.Slightest actions often meet the sorest needs,
For the world wants daily little kindly deeds.
Oh, what care and sorrow you may help remove,
With your songs and courage, sympathy and love.
Thank you Anna for your example! There truly are so many people out there who are weighed down with worries and sorrows who can benefit from our smiles, our hello's, our kindness. It makes me want to be more aware of myself (my face!) when I'm in the grocery store or at school pick-up. It's easy to walk around with a blank, sad, hurried, frustrated, or distracted face. But I know that when I think about it and change my face to a pleasant one I personally feel so much lighter and I feel more inclined to engage with others. And most likely there is someone out there who needed to see a happy face that day.
Anna at church today. What a beautiful, glowing young woman.