Each time I take the kids hiking I love it even more. Being out in nature, pointing out all the amazing creations around us, feeling my body work with each step forward, spending time together without distractions . . . it just fills me up!
While the men played golf one morning, I took the kids hiking on the mountain right behind our resort in Park City. It was beautiful and so so so GREEN!! Like really, really green. I could hardly believe it.
And the wildflowers . . . I just couldn't get enough! Although, wildflowers and bees are a package deal and every buzz had Anna freaking out. After an hour and a half of hiking we had gone as far as I wanted to so we turned around to hike back. And suddenly, miraculously, she was okay. Really.
We also came across a big mound of snow, a snake, mountain bikers, lots of squirrels & chipmunks, and we took pictures of every variety of wildflower that we saw.
I've decided that I want to schedule a family hike once a month. Luckily, with the mild winters in Vegas we can pretty much do that year round. We just have to find some alternate locations for June, July, and August. :)